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Mod: Wooden Platforms

Mod: Wooden Platforms

The Wooden Platforms mod adds many new platforms created from wood to Minecraft…

Mod: Harder Mobs

Mod: Harder Mobs

The Harder Mobs mod will complicate the player's survival in the Minecraft world. Now mobs will be stronger, faster and virtually unkillable…

Mod: Luis Animal's - Amazon First

Mod: Luis Animal's - Amazon First

Luis Animal's Mod - Amazon First adds a variety of animal animals to the jungle. Capybaras, jaguars and new poisonous frogs diversify your jungle…

Mod: Mystical Agriculture

Mod: Mystical Agriculture

The Mystical Agriculture mod adds new magic seeds to Minecraft. You will be able to grow them to then create valuable resources…

Mod: Super Apples Addon

Mod: Super Apples Addon

With the Super Apples mod, Minecraft will have 9 new unique apples and recipes, including the enchanted apple…

Mod: Foods Plus: Theme Park Expansion

Mod: Foods Plus: Theme Park Expansion

Food Plus Mod: Theme Park Expansion will add a lot of food from the amusement park to your game, including cotton candy, popcorn and ice cream…

Mod: Better Fishing Loot

Mod: Better Fishing Loot

The Better Fishing Loot mod improves the extraction of resources in Minecraft, which we get while fishing!…

Mod: Crossbows Plus

Mod: Crossbows Plus

The Crossbows Plus mod will add 12 new crossbows to Minecraft. Now the enemies will not be such a serious threat to you…

Mod: World Animals

Mod: World Animals

With this addon, your Minecraft world will gain new colors and add a huge number of animals to various biomes of the game…

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