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Minecraft PE 1.2

Minecraft PE 1.2
10:20, 25 Apr 2018 3 641 732
The new version of Minecraft Pocket Edition1.2 called Better Together Update is a major new update that will unite players not only Android, iOS and Windows 10 platforms, but also console, ie Xbox and Nintendo Switch!

Now Minecraft Pocket Edition does not officially exist and there is only Minecraft, but the PC version of the game was renamed to Minecraft: Java Edition.

Minecraft PE 1.2

With the update Minecraft 1.2 , training has become available in the game, in which you can learn about many elements of the game, which is primarily useful for beginners.

Stained glass has finally appeared in the game! In addition, ice and slug blocks have become more transparent.

Banners are a decorative block that is perfect for cards with medieval castles. You can create flags of different colors and even change their pattern.

A book with a pen is usually used when creating maps for passing. Unlike Java Edition, in the new version of the game MCPE 1.2 in the interface window of the book you can see two pages at once!

In Minecraft 1.2 When creating a world, you can include a bonus chest and a starting card. The bonus chest has some useful resources for starting survival and is mainly useful for beginners in the game, and thanks to the map you can always see your location

One of the most long-awaited innovations in Minecraft 1.2 on Android, iOS and Windows 10 is the armor rack! You can put armor on her and put a sword or any other tool in her hand.

The main feature that I really liked is that you can change the poses of the armor rack. Just sit down and tap on it to change the pose.

A canyon is a natural structure that can be found both on the surface of the world and underground. They are quite large and often you can find abandoned mines and a bunch of different ores in them.

Parrots are bright, beautiful birds that don't mind chatting. You can find a parrot in the jungle, and with the help of seeds you can tame it. They come in five types of color: red (red macaw), light green, dark blue (hyacinth macaw), blue (blue-yellow macaw) and gray (Corella). Approach the tamed parrot to put it on your shoulder!

List of changes MCPE 1.2
  • A new interface in the inventory, combined with a recipe book. New changes may be inconvenient for players, but it can be improved by the release.
  • The game Minecraft Pocket Edition officially no longer exists, since it was renamed simply Minecraft. This was done due to the cross-platform nature of Android and iOS with Windows 10, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch (it may appear for Playstation 4 in the future).
  • Training has become available in the game. There is a lot of useful information in the learning window for both beginners and oldfags.
  • When creating a world, you can now activate the initial card and bonus chest, adjust the resolution level of players and game rules.
  • The Friends and Servers tabs are separated in different windows.

Blocks and items
  • Painted glass
  • Painted glass panels
  • Turntable and records
  • Flags
  • Rack for armor
  • Structural block
  • A book with a pen
  • Asterisk and rocket

  • Parrot

  • New structure - canyon
  • The cooking rack now needs fuel
  • Now you can hold the card in your left hand
  • The beacon beam can be painted with painted glass or painted glass panels
  • Ice now has transparency

And many other changes that will make the game better!

Updated: April 19, 2018
Latest version: v1.2.13 (
What's new?:
  • Fixed some bugs

«Download» implies the possibility of switching to Google Play or another service. You will need a purchased game license to install the update.
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754 comment
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  1. Аватарка гостя
    12:06 6 Dec 17
    Уважаемые разработчики подскажите почему когда я нажимаю на сервер пишет зарегистрировался в иксбокс я нажимаю зарегистрировался грузится потом вылитает
    1. Аватарка Admin
      9:02 7 Dec 17
      Какая версия?
      1. Аватарка гостя
        12:56 19 Dec 17
        Была 1.2.6 я скачал уже 1.2.7 уже всё нормально спасибо
  2. Аватарка гостя
    18:37 4 Dec 17
    Где новые версии???але? Енот! Ты где?
  3. Аватарка гостя
    22:56 2 Dec 17
    Администратор вы в сети вообще?
  4. Аватарка гостя
    22:54 2 Dec 17
    Почему у меня не скачивается, а просто идёт бесконечная загрузка?!
  5. Аватарка гостя
    16:55 1 Dec 17
    Здравствуйте в майнкрафте 1.2.0 бета 1 есть баг когда идет снег(в зимнем беоме) когда я строил дом и шел снег потом я пошел за песком ... и поставил их и через окна не видно было снега а когда я вышел(ну подумал что кончился снег) а там все еще идет. Исправьте аж этот баг в майнкрафт 1.3
  6. Аватарка гостя
    Fake Face
    18:21 30 Nov 17
    Люди где 1.3 скиньте хоть ссылку
  7. Аватарка гостя
    Никита Богданов
    21:24 26 Nov 17
    Эм а какую скачивать то?
  8. Аватарка гостя
    14:12 24 Nov 17
    Как скачать эту версию?
  9. Аватарка гостя
    8:07 24 Nov 17
    Енооот когда будет на вашем сайте версия 1.2.5???
    1. Аватарка Admin
      10:14 24 Nov 17
      Могу залить, но не будет работать Xbox Live.
  10. Аватарка гостя
    23:02 23 Nov 17
    Modscraft забросил майнкрафт:(
    1. Аватарка Admin
      10:14 24 Nov 17
      С чего это?)
      1. Аватарка гостя
        12:52 26 Nov 17
        Енот, когда что, ты больше не будешь выпускать новые версии?
        1. Аватарка Admin
          22:18 30 Nov 17
          А есть новые версии Minecraft? Я их не делаю и не "выпускаю". Minecraft разрабатывают Mojang. Как только будут какие-то новости, я сразу же добавлю их на сайт.

          Увы, новостей сейчас нет, а у меня сессия и я не могу добавлять много контента на сайт.
    2. Аватарка гостя
      Поклонник майнкрафт
      20:22 7 Dec 17
      Да ну??
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