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Minecraft 1.21

Minecraft 1.21
20:14, 15 May 2024 (updated on: 23:04, 11 Feb 2025) 1 463 340

Mojang has announced Minecraft 1.21 at Minecraft Live 2023. This is a major new update that adds challenges, 2 new mobs, new melee weapons and more to the game. Bedrock is finally getting a hardcore mode, which could be an interesting new challenge for players.


Hardcore mode

The long-awaited mode in which the player has only one life without the right to revive!

  • Turns on when creating a world in the General tab.
  • In case of death, the player will only be able to revive in Spectator mode.
  • Hardcore mode cannot be enabled or disabled after world creation.

Trial Chambers

The developers wanted to add more adventure for those who love battles. A unique structure has been added to the game especially for this purpose!

  • They come in different sizes and consist of Copper and Tuff blocks.
  • At the level of the Deepslate, they occur more frequently.
  • Each structure is randomly generated and includes:
    • Traps, Chests, and Battle Zones

  • Each structure has a Trial Spouter with 3 categories of mobs:
    • Near: Zombie, Husk and Slime.
    • Small: Spider, Cave Spider, Baby Zombie, Silverfish.

    • Long-rage: Skeleton, Stray.

Trial Chamber from Minecraft


A new and unique mob created especially for fans of combat. In the Trial Chamber, the player and his friends will be able to test their skills.

  • Spawns via the Trial Spawner in some rooms of the Trial Chambers.
  • Moves by jumping, able to use long jumps.
  • Uses wind projectiles.
  • The projectile creates a small explosion, throwing everyone in the vicinity away.
  • Exploding projectile interacts with certain blocks:
    • Opens non-iron doors and trapdoors.
    • Opens Fence Gates.
    • Trigger Buttons.
    • Trigger Levers.
    • Interacts with the Bell.
    • Extinguishes candles.

Breeze mob


A skeleton variant covered in mushrooms and moss.

  • Health: 16.
  • Attack interval of 3.5 seconds.
  • These mossy and mushroom covered Skeletons spawn naturally in Swamps and Mangrove Swamps.
  • Can also be found spawning from Trial Spawners in some Trial Chambers.
  • Drops 2 mushrooms when sheared (either both red, both brown, or one of each).
  • Has a chance to drop Arrows of Poison when killed by players.

Trial Key

  • An item that can only be obtained from Trial Spawners.

  • Can be used to unlock Vaults.

Ominous Trial Key

  • A variant of the Trial Key which has a 30% chance to eject when defeating an Ominous Trial Spawner.

  • Can be used to unlock Ominous Vaults.

Ominous Bottle

A new potion with the following features:

  • An item which can be consumed by players to receive the Bad Omen effect for 1 hour and 40 minutes.
    • Comes in 5 variations, one for each Bad Omen level.
    • The bottle breaks when consumed.
    • Can be stacked to 64.
  • Ominous Bottles can be found uncommonly in any Vaults, and are dropped by Raid Captains which are defeated outside a Raid.

Breeze Rod

  • An item dropped by a Breeze.
  • Can be crafted into 4 Wind Charges.
  • Can be used with the Heavy Core to craft a Mace.

Wind Charge

  • Become the Breeze! Using this item will fire off a Wind Charge projectile similar to the Breeze's.
    • Can be used to launch entities away from the impact of the Wind Burst.
    • Grants 10% more knockback than a Breeze's, but has a much smaller area of impact.
    • Deals damage if it hits an entity directly.
    • Has a half-second cooldown after each use.
    • Can be fired from a Dispenser.
  • Players can use Wind Charges to propel themselves high into the air.
    • Players that launch themselves with a Wind Charge only accumulate fall damage below the height of where they collided with the Wind Burst.
    • As an example, if a player uses a Wind Charge to launch themselves 9 blocks into the air, and they do not land lower than where they initially launched, they will take 0 damage.


A brand new melee weapon with unique abilities.

  • A new heavy weapon to smash your enemies!
    • Has a base damage of 5.
    • Can be crafted with a Breeze Rod and a Heavy Core.
    • Using it will decrease its durability like any other weapon; can be repaired with Breeze Rods at an Anvil.
  • Has a unique attack called the smash attack. When the player falls more than 1.5 blocks before hitting, a smash attack is triggered which has multiple effects:
    • Safe Fall: Resets all vertical momentum and negates any fall-damage accumulated from the fall.
    • Extra Damage: Does more damage the further the player fell before hitting the target with it:
      • For the first 3 blocks fallen: Add 4 damage per block.
      • For the next 5 blocks fallen: Add 2 damage per block.
      • For any blocks fallen after: Add 1 damage per block.
    • Great Knockback: Other entities near the struck enemy will be knocked back by the immense force of the Mace.
  • Can be used in combination with Wind Charges to launch up and deliver devastating smash attacks to enemies.
  • These existing enchantments can be applied to the Mace:
    • Mending.
    • Unbreaking.
    • Smite.
    • Bane of Arthropods.
    • Fire Aspect.
    • Curse of Vanishing.
  • The Mace also has 3 exclusive enchantments: Density, Breach and Wind Burst.

Pottery Sherds

Added 3 new shards to create decorated pots:

  • Flow
  • Guster
  • Scrape

Armor Trims

  • Added Bolt Armor Trim and Smithing Template, found in Vaults.
    • Can be duplicated using a Copper Block or Waxed Copper.
  • Added Flow Armor Trim and Smithing Template, found in Ominous Vaults.
    • Can be duplicated using a Breeze Rod.

Trial Spawner

  • A new variant of Monster Spawners that ejects rewards upon defeat.
    • Cannot be crafted nor obtained by players in Survival - instead, they can be found naturally throughout Trial Chambers.
    • Very slow to mine and resistant to explosions, and will not drop even with Silk Touch.
    • Cannot be moved by Pistons.
  • The challenge level will increase for each new player a Trial Spawner notices nearby.
    • The challenge level will not decrease until it is reset during a Trial Spawner's cooldown.
    • Trial Spawners can only notice players which are in line of sight, and will ignore Creative and Spectator players.
  • Unlike normal Spawners, a Trial Spawner will spawn a limited number of mobs proportional to its current challenge level.
    • It can only spawn a mob at positions that are within line of sight.
    • It can spawn a mob regardless of any light level requirement the mob has.
    • Spawned mobs are persistent.
  • Once all mobs are defeated, the Trial Spawner will eject a number of rewards which is proportional to the current challenge level.
    • After the rewards have been ejected, the Trial Spawner goes into cooldown for 30 minutes, during which it will no longer spawn mobs.
  • When placed in Creative, Trial Spawners have no mob type set by default.
    • The mob type can be set by interacting with it while holding a Spawn Egg.
  • Has an Ominous Trial Spawner variant, accessible through an Ominous Trial.

Ominous Trial Spawner

  • A more powerful active phase of the Trial Spawner with unique challenges and rewards.
    • Provides a more challenging experience that combat-loving players can opt into for better rewards.
  • If a Trial Spawner detects a player that has the Trial Omen effect, the spawner will become Ominous if:
    • It is not in cooldown.
    • Or, it is in cooldown but was not Ominous during its last activation.
      • Making it Ominous this way will bypass the cooldown.
  • While active, it will:
    • Glow blue instead of orange.
    • Emit soul flames instead of normal flames.
    • Periodically spawn potions and projectiles on top of unsuspecting players and mobs.
      • Based on their location, spawners in an area will select a random set of projectiles to spawn.
      • These projectiles will always include a single type of Lingering Potion from a set of possible effects.
  • The mobs it spawns are more powerful than usual:
    • Mobs that can wear equipment will often spawn with enchanted weapons and armor.
      • The armor these mobs wear have Armor Trims applied from the Trial Chambers.
      • All 3 of the following armor enchantments are applied to each piece:
        • Protection IV
        • Projectile Protection IV
        • Fire Protection IV
      • Sword enchantments can be either of the two:
        • Sharpness I
        • Knockback I
      • Bow enchantments can be either of the two:
        • Power I
        • Punch I
    • Mobs that cannot wear equipment will instead be spawned at double the total mob count over the course of the challenge.
      • The spawners for these mobs will also have an additional mob out at once during its challenge.
  • Becoming Ominous will despawn any existing mobs it spawned and reset its challenge.
    • If those mobs picked up or equipped any items on the floor, those items will be dropped when they despawn.
    • It will stay Ominous until it has been defeated and its cooldown has finished.
  • When defeated, it will eject a different set of loot to normal Trial Spawners.


  • A block that holds locked treasure and loot - players must find the right key to eject its rewards.
    • Can be found throughout Trial Chambers, containing the structures' most valuable loot.
    • Vaults in Trial Chambers require a Trial Key to be unlocked.
    • Cannot be crafted nor obtained in Survival, and does not drop anything when mined.
    • Explosion resistant and cannot be moved by Pistons.
  • Can be unlocked by an unlimited number of players.
    • After a player has unlocked a Vault, they cannot personally unlock that Vault again.
    • If a player has not unlocked a particular Vault before, this can be seen by an orange stream of particles that flow from the player to that Vault when nearby.
  • Has a keyhole that will be open or closed depending on the players nearby.
    • If any nearby player has not unlocked that Vault, the keyhole will be open.
    • If all nearby players have unlocked that Vault, the keyhole will be closed.
  • Within its cage, it will cycle through and display items which are possible to eject from its loot table.
    • Players cannot time their unlocks to eject the item that is currently displayed in the cage.
  • The loot it ejects is randomized each time it is unlocked.
  • Has an Ominous Vault variant, unlockable through an Ominous Trial.


  • A new block that enables the crafting of items and blocks via Redstone.
    • Can be crafted with 5 Iron Ingots, 2 Redstone Dust, 1 Crafting Table and 1 Dropper.
  • Will eject one crafting result at a time when powered by a Redstone pulse.
    • Its current powered state is indicated by Redstone crystals on its back face, which will light up.
    • The crafting grid on its top face will light up red when it successfully crafts a recipe.
  • Upon receiving a signal, it will eject the recipe result from the front face.
    • If the recipe output has any remainder items (such as a Bucket), the result and remainder items will be ejected together.
  • When placed, the front face of the Crafter will face towards the player.

The Crafter block description

Copper Bulb

  • A light-emitting block that can toggle its light emission through Redstone pulses.
  • Oxidizes like other Copper blocks, and emits light based on oxidation level.
    • Copper Bulb: Light level 15.
    • Exposed Copper Bulb: Light level 12.
    • Weathered Copper Bulb: Light level 8.
    • Oxidized Copper Bulb: Light level 4.
  • When placed, its light is off by default.
    • While it is unpowered, it will toggle its light on or off when it receives a Redstone pulse.
    • Its light will stay on even when the Redstone source is removed, and will only toggle off when it receives another Redstone pulse.
  • A Redstone crystal can be seen in its center while it is powered by a Redstone signal.
  • Similar to Glass Blocks, it does not conduct Redstone power.
  • Comparators reading a Copper Bulb will output a signal strength of 15 if the Copper Bulb's light is on.
  • The crafting recipe for 4 Copper Bulbs is:
    • 3 Copper Blocks of a shared oxidation level.
    • 1 Blaze Rod.
    • 1 Redstone Dust.

Copper Bulb

Copper Grate

  • A new type of decorative block unique to the Copper family.
  • Crafted with 4 Copper Blocks of a shared oxidation level.
    • Stonecutting a Copper Block into Copper Grates outputs 4 Copper Grates.
  • Properties:
    • Transparent and allows light to pass through.
    • Mobs cannot suffocate inside them.
    • Cannot conduct Redstone.
    • Hostile mobs cannot naturally spawn on them.
    • Can hold water.

Copper Blocks

  • Meet in the Trial Chambers.
  • Can be crafted.
  • They have several stages of oxidation.
  • Blocks:
    • Chiseled Copper.
    • Copper Grate.
    • Copper Bulb.
    • Copper Door.
    • Copper Trapdoor.
    • Oxidized and waxed variants of all of the above.

Tuff Blocks

A set of new blocks for building and decorating with tuff! The following variants of tuff blocks have appeared:

  • Stair, Slab, Wall, and Chiseled variants.
  • Tuff Bricks with Stair, Slab, Wall, and Chiseled variants.
  • Polished Tuff with Stair, Slab, and Wall variants.

Heavy Core

  • A mysterious, dense block which can be combined with a Breeze Rod to craft the Mace.
  • Can only be obtained from Ominous Vaults.

New mob effects

  • Trial Omen
    • A variation on what a Bad Omen can be transformed into.
    • This occurs when the player is within detection range of a Trial Spawner that is not Ominous.
    • The Trial Omen will have a duration of 15 minutes multiplied by the transformed Bad Omen's level.
    • Players that have Trial Omen are surrounded by ominous particles.
  • Wind Charged
    • Affected entities will emit a wind burst upon death.
    • Can be brewed as a Potion with an Awkward Potion and a Breeze Rod.

  • Weaving
    • Affected entities will spread Cobweb blocks upon death.
    • Affected entities can move through Cobweb with 50% of their normal speed instead of 25%.

    • Can be brewed as a Potion with an Awkward Potion and a Cobweb block.

  • Oozing
    • Affected entities will spawn two Slimes upon death.
    • Can be brewed as a Potion with an Awkward Potion and a Slime Block.

  • Infested
    • Affected entities have a 10% chance to spawn 1-2 Silverfish when hurt.
    • Can be brewed as a Potion with an Awkward Potion and a Stone block.

  • The effects are imposed while completing the Ominous Trial Spawner.
  • Spawners choose a random unique effect, throwing Lingering Potion at mobs and players.
  • Slimes are immune to the Oozing effect
  • Silverfish are immune to the Infested effect.

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  1. Аватарка гостя
    Тот кто ждет свой автобус пол часа
    11:53 19 Apr 24
    Посмотрел несколько страниц комментариев я знатно прифигел... Какой нафиг вирус то? Из уйма текста апелировали в строну вируса только одним фактом "1.21 еще не вышла". Да сама 1.21 еще не вышла в релиз, но бетта версии то выходят! Разве так сложно это понять или как? Сам качаю с этого сайта очень давно и вполне им доволен.
    Недоволен самим майном. Чем дальше в лес, тем моджанги дальше от игроков. Читал про фризы при загрузке чанков, и у меня они тоже есть! Телефон вроде и не слабый (8gb ОЗУ, Snapdragon 695). Пока бетку не запустил но надеюсь хоть там этого не будет.
    1. Аватарка гостя
      11:22 4 May 24
      Я бы не сказал что у тебя телефон не слабый, по моему сейчас актуальны Snapdragon 865, и то это уже не особо сильно, нормальные процессоры это начиная от Gen 1
    2. Аватарка гостя
      12:48 24 May 24
      Почему когда я нажимаю скачать меня перекидывает в гугл плей и игра не обновляется хотя раньше все норм было
  2. Аватарка гостя
    15:24 11 Apr 24
    он чушпан
  3. Аватарка гостя
    17:48 6 Apr 24
    Здравствуйте, мы разработчики этой APK версии Майнкрафта, могу сказать что здесь нету вирусов, Троянов, и т.д. Скачивайте и веселитесь!
    1. Аватарка гостя
      ультра Мегаспорт
      17:54 6 Apr 24
      Слышь ты клоун мегамозгьный урод ты нас обманул тут вирусы блин есть мегамозгьный клоун тупой
    2. Аватарка гостя
      Ковбой нагетс
      17:58 6 Apr 24
      мегамозг? Обманул и ещё тут высказывается тип ЙеТо Ни вИрУсЬ, клоун мегамозгьный блин я тебя ненавижу и вообще удали свой телефон
    3. Аватарка гостя
      17:59 6 Apr 24
      Слышь ты малолетка обманул нас
  4. Аватарка гостя
    17:46 6 Apr 24
    А в ориг Майнкрафте на телефоне вышел 1.21?WHATWHATWHAT
  5. Аватарка гостя
    17:41 6 Apr 24
    Это вирус?
  6. Аватарка гостя
    18:32 3 Apr 24
    I need more things like ominous bottles.
  7. Аватарка гостя
    Gago ko
    1:41 2 Apr 24
    So cool
  8. Аватарка гостя
    22:57 31 Mar 24
    Это точно не бета версия?!?!?
  9. Аватарка гостя
    18:07 29 Mar 24
    Класс просто
  10. Аватарка гостя
    16:31 29 Mar 24
    Не могу загрузить говорят что надо скачать Майнкрафт но он у меня есть!
    1. Аватарка гостя
      12:41 14 Apr 24
      Я тоже не могу уже как месяц
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