Mod: New Bows

Only one type of bow is available in vanilla Minecraft, but what if more battle bows are available in the game? This is exactly what mod New Bows was created for, adding 9 new bows, while each of them has its own unique properties.
Getting bows
All new bows are available in the Creative Mode inventory.

You can also get them with the command /give @s new:.

A lightning bow and a throwing bow can be purchased from a resident archer.

The rest can be crafted.
Blaze bow
When hit, the arrow ignites the 3x3 block area.

Ender bow
When hit, the arrow teleports the owner.

Explosive bow
The arrow explodes the area.

Glowstone bow
The bow in the hand emits a small light source, and the arrow illuminates the area.

Ice bow
The arrow creates blocks of ice.

Health bow
When hit, the arrow creates a regeneration effect in the area.

Miner bow
Destroy blocks in the 3x3 area.

Thunder bow
The arrow creates lightning.

Knockback bow
When hit, the arrow throws off all nearby mobs, causing damage to them.

Long bow
This bow is much stronger than usual and allows you to shoot two arrows at the same time!

Magnetic bow
An arrow dropped from a magnetic bow begins to attract all the nearest objects within a radius of 12 blocks.

Spider bow
A shot from a spider bow creates a web, slowing down enemies.

Shulker bow
Hit the enemy with a Shulker bow to put a levitation effect on him.

Find a resident archer to purchase a throwing, smoke, lightning or mini bow from him.

Last update: January 15, 2022.
What's new?
- Added a smoke bow
- Added a mini bow
- Added shulker bow
- Added spider bow
- Added a long bow