Minecraft PE Beta

18:52, 22 Sep 2021 39 289
Yesterday the developers released a release Minecraft 1.17.30, and today we have published another beta version, in which we fixed a number of errors and made various changes.
- The new world generation now works with the old worlds at an altitude below zero
- Copper ore is now generated up to Y=96, instead of Y=64
- Fixed a bug that made it impossible to fly at an altitude above the maximum value
- Flat worlds are now generated with Y=-64
- A layer of snow will no longer create phantom blocks
- Hives are now properly generated in the world
- Non-fire-resistant mobs now avoid fire
- Fossils are now less likely to be generated and less likely to destroy structures
- Fixed a bug that caused cave entrances not to be generated on the surface
- The Iron Golem now appears only on solid blocks
- Fixed a crossbow in the hands of looters
- Fixed various bugs with the character editor
- The Yeti will no longer appear in the mountains
Technical changes
Unfortunately, Render Dragon in the previous beta reduced performance on Android, so it was temporarily disabled.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused animations to restart
- Fixed a bug that caused the formatting of the text on the plates to be reset
- The Render Dragon graphics engine has been removed from Android devices running on ARMv7 processors
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