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Minecraft PE

Minecraft PE
18:50, 14 Apr 2022 133 747

The developers published a new beta version this Thursday, Minecraft and Minecraft Preview Various bugs have been fixed and changes have been made, and also were added new items.

Recovery Compass in Minecraft

Spectator Mode

Some of our more eagle-eyed players might have noticed that last week’s beta and preview contained early functionality supporting the spectator gamemode, which was accidentally made available in the game. We know that this is a top feature request for the Bedrock Edition of Minecraft, and our developers have been working hard to bring you this feature.

We are currently working on developing the first iteration of spectator mode to get your feedback to plan for the next iteration. However, we still have a lot of work to do! The first iteration will not be finished in time for 1.19, so we will be moving it to an Experimental Toggle in an upcoming beta. Until we have a more polished version for you, please consider that any content or maps built on this feature will not be supported as this feature will change and evolve. We won't be accepting bug reports related to spectator mode until our first iteration is released, as the feature is likely to change during development.

Recovery Compass Minecraft PE

  • A new Recovery Compass can be crafted with Echo Shards which can only be found and are unique to Ancient City chests*
    • Unlike a normal Compass, the Recovery Compass will point to the last place you died
    • If you are not in the dimension where you last died, or you haven't died yet in your world, it will randomly spin
    • It can be crafted with 1 Compass surrounded by 8 Echo Shards
    • *Echo Shards will be available as loot in Ancient Cities in a future update

Recovery compass in Minecraft

Sculk Shrieker

  • Tweaked the Shrieking particles of the Sculk Shrieker
  • Sculk Shriekers should not be triggered by Redstone activation
  • Added can_summonblockstate to Sculk Shriekers that determines whether a Shrieker can trigger a Warden to spawn. Only Sculk Shriekers placed during world generation in the Deep Dark and Ancient Cities will have this state set to true
  • Running away from a Sculk Shrieker during shrieking is no longer a viable way of preventing the summoning of a Warden
  • The Sculk Shrieker no longer attempts to spawn the Warden in Peaceful mode
  • The Sculk Shrieker now spreads the highest threat level amongst players in the vicinity, not the threat level of the closest player

  • Warden now has a hurt animation when taking damage
  • Fixed a bug where the Warden's ribcage UVs were overlapping their right tendril UVs
  • Warden will now prioritize players over mobs when angry
  • Improved Warden suspect tracking gameplay behavior, and increased the Warden’s ‘sniff’ range
  • Spawning a Warden in Creative mode no longer applies the Darkness effect to the player

Warden moving in ancient city


  • Reinforced Deepslate can no longer be pushed by Pistons
  • Froglight and Frogspawn blocks now have new sounds
  • Frog Spawn is now called Frogspawn

Blocks from Minecraft 1.19

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  1. Аватарка гостя
    4:47 15 Apr 22
    а вы знаете шо добавят новую версию 1.20 я не вру но если ктото падсисаться его канал кто он угадайте❓кто он...................................................
  2. Аватарка гостя
    23:24 14 Apr 22
    Глупый вопрос.....но что если русиш будет тут кочать,скачаеца?
    1. Аватарка Admin
      0:29 15 Apr 22
      Непонятный вопрос, русский язык конечно же будет
  3. Аватарка гостя
    21:58 14 Apr 22
    Очередная бета это ладно но жду релиз надолго его затянули однако...
    1. Аватарка гостя
      23:26 14 Apr 22
      Ну смотри,добавили пару новых плюшок,а релиз будет наверное либо следующий месяц или уже летом
    2. Аватарка Admin
      0:30 15 Apr 22
      Беты выходят почти каждую неделю, а релиз - примерно раз в два или три месяца, это нормально
  4. Аватарка гостя
    21:49 14 Apr 22
    Admin вы не добавили
    На корнях мангровых деревьях появляется ковёр мха
    Исправления ошибок
    Исправлена ошибка с дубовыми брёвнами в мангровом дереве
    1. Аватарка Admin
      0:29 15 Apr 22
      Подправили текст, еще и про чар написали :)
  5. Аватарка гостя
    20:33 14 Apr 22
    Жалко что убрали медные роги. Хоть чем та была полезна медь а теперь...
    1. Аватарка Admin
      20:59 14 Apr 22
      Это был просто эксперимент, к сожалению, разработчики не нашли применения этому рогу, он просто копирует обычный рог, но с другими звуками. Может быть его вернут в будущем...
  6. Аватарка гостя
    20:11 14 Apr 22
    Фичу усиленного глубинного сланца убрали (
    1. Аватарка Admin
      20:59 14 Apr 22
      Ну это не фича, не зря ведь блок так назван ;)
  7. Аватарка гостя
    19:32 14 Apr 22
    Добавьте пж клон версию
  8. Аватарка гостя
    19:01 14 Apr 22
    Понял какая это бета
  9. Аватарка гостя
    18:58 14 Apr 22
    О да не ужто тот самый компас который есть на джаве
    1. Аватарка гостя
      19:00 14 Apr 22
  10. Аватарка гостя
    18:57 14 Apr 22
    Я 2 Жопа
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