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Minecraft PE Beta

Minecraft PE Beta
19:36, 6 Apr 2022 186 822

The developers have released the first beta version of Minecraft Mangrove swamps, new blocks have been added, and various bugs have been fixed.

Mangrove swamp

Wild Update Features

  • Wild Update features no longer require the experimental toggle to be enabled
  • Added new Wild Update splash screen texts
  • Added new Wild Update loading screen tips

Minecraft 1.19 coming soon

Mangrove Swamp Biome

  • Added Mangrove Swamp biome
  • Added Mangrove Tree feature
  • Added Mangrove Propagule base functionality
  • Added Mangrove Roots and Muddy Mangrove Roots
  • Added all the new Mangrove Wood Types

  • Added Mud related block recipes
  • Implemented Mud walking/sinking

Mud Block
  • Added base Mud block functionality
  • Added Mud block sounds
  • Added Mud block renewability

Mud Brick Blocks
  • Added Mud Brick block
  • Added Mud Brick sounds
  • Added Mud Brick Slab/Stair/Wall blocks

Packed Mud
  • Added Packed Mud block

  • Allay can now be leashed if it is already holding an item
  • Allay can now be named by a Name Tag if it is already holding an item
  • Allays now have initial sounds
  • Allay now move slower when not attempting to follow its owner, and will only start following its owner from a further distance than before

Allay leashed in Minecraft


  • Frogs no longer croak while they are eating mobs

  • Fixed a bug where Wardens temporarily could miss noticing vibrations, and Allays could miss noticing that Note Blocks were being played
  • Stop Warden from getting angry at itself and inanimate mobs
  • The Darkness effect now has a black distance fog, similar to how the Blindness effect works
  • Parrots now imitate the Warden
  • The Warden has a new angry listening sound
  • The Warden now has updated sounds and custom death and hurt sounds
  • Allow Warden to preserve anger level towards despawned entities
  • Fixed eroded Badlands biome placement error that caused it to fragment

Red parrot and Warden

Sculk Sensor

  • Sculk Sensors can now detect a wider range of vibrations
  • Sculk Sensors can now detect players sneaking on top of them
  • Sculk Sensors cannot detect players shooting an arrow while sneaking anymore
  • Sculk Sensors can now detect players falling in Lava
  • Sculk Sensors can now detect players sneaking in Water
  • Sculk Sensors can now detect landing projectiles
  • Sculk Sensors can now detect containers being opened or closed
  • Sculk Sensors can now detect Candles being placed, lit, or unlit
  • Sculk Sensors can now detect players eating food or drinking potions
  • Sculk Sensors can now detect Goat Horns being played
  • Sculk Sensors can now detect Big Dripleaves changing their state

Sculk Sensor in Minecraft

Accessibility Features

  • There is now a Darkness effect strength slider in Settings that adjusts how dark the screen can get during the effect

  • Fixed a texture bug in the Warden's bioluminescent texture where the right arm's bottom face didn’t have bioluminescent colors
  • Updated fog JSON schema to allow distance fog settings to use negative value as 'fog_start'. Allowing nearby blocks to also be tinted with fog color
  • Added adjustable fog effect that can expand or shrink over time. Users will get the sense of eyes adjusting when going into water

Mobile Touch Controls
  • Block highlights will no longer stay if players lift their block breaking finger off the screen while still using a second finger to move around with non-classic touch controls
  • Fixed issue where Boats were not controllable with new touch controls
  • Fixed issue where players were not able to descend while on top of Scaffolding
  • Removed inversion of movement when in front facing third-person camera

  • Fixed a bug causing the Parrot's head to always face the player while riding the player
  • Fixed bug causing player to take fall damage after getting into a Bed while falling
  • Fixed bug causing baby Llamas to fire llama spit from above their head
  • Fixed a crash when loading a Behavior Pack with non-JSON object in entity components, component_groups, and "add"/"remove" events
  • Fences and Walls no longer connect to Bells

Vanilla Parity
  • Villagers will no longer begin sleeping while riding something near a Bed

«Download» implies the possibility of switching to Google Play or another service. You will need a purchased game license to install the update.
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  1. Аватарка гостя
    Сторож (из шестёрочки блин)
    8:10 8 Apr 22
    Хватит издеваться надомной!
    1. Аватарка гостя
      10:11 8 Apr 22
      Да господи не увидит сторож телефон он слепой .Не может он разговаривать он рычить. Совсем уже поехали с этим варденом.
  2. Аватарка гостя
    Сторож (из шестёрочки блин)
    8:10 8 Apr 22
    Хватит издеваться надомной!
  3. Аватарка гостя
    7:13 8 Apr 22
    А хорошая БЕТА версия Сид. Классный
  4. Аватарка гостя
    16:25 7 Apr 22
    Что делать если майн не устанавливается?
    1. Аватарка гостя
      3:28 8 Apr 22
      Кирилл,очистить кэш или перезагрузить телефон
  5. Аватарка гостя
    14:57 7 Apr 22
    А как найти быстро биом мангровое болото
    1. Аватарка Admin
      15:51 7 Apr 22
      Мы добавили сид

      Можете еще воспользоваться сидом 1022 (/tp 2294 100 -2398)
      1. Аватарка гостя
        16:49 7 Apr 22
      2. Аватарка гостя
        Yendavey Craft TV
        19:19 15 Jan 23
        Thanks ?
  6. Аватарка гостя
    14:35 7 Apr 22
    Наверно Неркину лень снимать бедрок minecraft
    1. Аватарка гостя
      16:10 7 Apr 22
  7. Аватарка гостя
    7:22 7 Apr 22
    Про эффект темноты разочарована - в биоме дип Дарк не плохо смотрится, а в картах это теперь слепота 2.0 просто (Я делаю карты для друзей)
    А с переводом вардена согласна с мутантом эндерманом. Надзирать звучало бы круче)
  8. Аватарка гостя
    Медный голем
    7:18 7 Apr 22
    А когда выйден новый релиз
  9. Аватарка гостя
    21:59 6 Apr 22
    Теперь нужно будет включать только эксперементы с чистой версией потому что нету козьих рогов
  10. Аватарка гостя
    21:42 6 Apr 22
    Исправьте баг почему место мангровых брёвен обычные дубовые
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