Minecraft PE 0.1.1

Yes, this is the very first version Minecraft PE on Android, since 0.1.0 was released only for the game console Xperia PLAY. In Minecraft 0.1.1 has only the most basic functionality, which has been developed for 10 years and already in Minecraft 1.18 we will be able to see a new generation and many other things that we would never have thought about 10 years ago.

Main menu
There were only three buttons waiting for the player in the main menu: a network game, a window for selecting and creating a world, and settings.

The game settings allowed only to change the nickname, server visibility, graphics, and vibration.

Window of Worlds
In the Worlds window, the player could only upload or delete an existing world or create a new one.

The world creation window itself was basic. It was possible to specify the name of the world and the generation time.

Available in Minecraft 0.1.1
This version has a basic control system that does not have a flight and running mode. In addition, the hotbar is limited to three slots.

The survival mode in this version has not yet been implemented, and the player's inventory was limited to a small number of basic blocks.