
19:45, 1 Feb 2023 29 417
In Minecraft, developers have focused on bug fixes and crashes. The update does not bring new content to the game, but improves its stability.
Experimental Features


Bug Fixes

Technical Updates
Technical Updates (experimental)
Experimental Features
- Piglin and Dragon Head blocks no longer animate in the hotbar or inventory

- Added the leave Boat button when the player falls from a height within in the boat
- Players are now able to place top Slabs in blocks that are only partially blocked by an entity
- Players can no longer see through partial blocks when sneaking or riding in third person
- Players are now able to interact with functional blocks while sneaking in a gap without the sneak button held

Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug where Zombified Piglins would spawn in the Nether in light levels above 11
- Error messages about building outside the world height limits no longer appear when simply interacting with blocks at the world height limits from certain angles
- Minecarts can now eject mobs into liquid blocks

Technical Updates
- Crafting Table component no longer appends "tile." when defaulting to use block name for crafting table label
Technical Updates (experimental)
- In JSON formats 1.19.70 and later, blocks fail to load if the "condition" field in Block Permutations is not a valid Molang string
- Added function playAnimation(animationName: string, options?: PlayAnimationOptions) - Plays the specified animation for an entity
- Removed function clearItem- To clear the item, call setItem with undefined
- Removed function clearLore- To clear lore, call setLore with an empty array or undefined
- Added optional searchDistanceparameter to assertEntityPresent(entityTypeIdentifier: string, blockLocation: BlockLocation, searchDistance?: number, isPresent?: boolean)
- Added assertEntityInstancePresentInArea(entity: Entity, isPresent?: boolean)to check if an entity instance is present in the test area
- Made the searchDistanceparameter optional in assertItemEntityPresent

«Download» implies the possibility of switching to Google Play or another service. You will need a purchased game license to install the update.
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