Minecraft Beta & Preview

19:51, 7 Dec 2022 28 015
Despite the upcoming Christmas holidays, developers continue to delight players with new updates. A new Minecraft Beta and Preview has been released this week. Some bugs have been fixed, interesting changes have been made.
NOTE: This week's Preview version is not available on iOS. We apologize for the inconvenience and are working to resolve the issue. Update: We are now unblocked and hoping to release the Preview on iOS as well.
Experimental Features


Fixed bugs
NOTE: This week's Preview version is not available on iOS. We apologize for the inconvenience and are working to resolve the issue. Update: We are now unblocked and hoping to release the Preview on iOS as well.
Experimental Features
- Chiseled Bookshelf no longer triggers Observer blocks on world load

- Scaffolding now displays particles and produces vibrations when the block under it is destroyed
- The Sculk Shrieker block's shriek sound can now be heard at the longer distance of 32 blocks
- Glow Squid now emit particles when spawned outside of water
- Ravagers are now able to attack on various partial blocks like Mud
- Campfires do not set players and mobs on fire anymore
- Campfires do not destroy Minecarts and Boats anymore

Fixed bugs
- Respawn Anchor no longer retains its charges if mined with Silk Touch or picked
- Bamboo sapling will no longer replace double plants when placed
- Ender Pearls will no longer teleport a sleeping player
- Players can no longer see through terrain by riding a Horse, Mule, or Donkey at the edge of a 2-block-tall space
- Blocks that require supporting blocks now appear properly on a Map when placed on partial blocks or above
- Fixed structure block UI so the Y value field can be accessed with just the keyboard

«Download» implies the possibility of switching to Google Play or another service. You will need a purchased game license to install the update.
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