Minecraft PE

18:46, 6 Oct 2021 168 595
The developers have published the first beta version of Minecraft This update does not bring new content, but fixes bugs and improves stability.
Caves and Cliffs
- Functions related to the second part of the update are now available without the experimental switch
- The new generator is not yet compatible with the option to create custom biomes enabled
- Worlds with custom biomes may be unstable
- Changed the rate of appearance of ores to match the Java Edition
- Fixed a bug that caused large trees to not grow below zero
- Young hardball is now properly generated in lush caves

Cave Generator
- Old caves can now reach the surface
- Generation of old caves now corresponds to Java Edition
- Fixed a bug with the generation of floating water in caves
Placement of objects
- Flowers no longer remove blocks in villages and other structures
- Tuff is now correctly generated below zero
- Deep shale is no longer generated above zero
- Fixed a bug with generating amethyst geodes below zero
Generating worlds
- Updated generation of granite, andesite, diorite, mud and gravel to match Java Edition
- Mountain peaks have been updated so that small mountains look more like real mountain peaks
- Improved mixing between old and new chunks
- Mines can no longer replace bedrock blocks
Vanilla parity
- Raid mobs now disappear after completing a raid when the player is too far away
- The raid strip has been changed to red
- The Champions no longer appear in Robber patrols

Fixed bugs
- Players are no longer disconnected if the server and client have different block IDs.
- Optimized the placement time of vines in the ordinary world
- Fixed portal locations when the portal was moved, but the location was not updated
- Mobs can now walk on hatches
- Mobs no longer walk on bonfires
- Fixed axolotl animation
- Sweet berry bushes now deal damage to mobs
- Mobs will no longer try to pass through the bushes of sweet berries
- The Village Hero effect now applies to all players and persists if the player leaves the village
- The glitter of the charm on an item in the inventory now covers only the item itself, not the entire slot
- Enchanted items will no longer become invisible in the Cave
- The structural unit can now load and save structures at a height below zero or above 256
- The system will now wait for all players who are out of bed

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