Minecraft PE Beta

18:48, 30 Sep 2021 26 781
Developers have published a new weekly beta version of Minecraft on Android. Seven game bugs have been fixed.
Experimental Features
- Fixed shifted sub-chunks on Caves & Cliffs flat worlds
- Flat worlds with the Caves & Cliffs experimental toggle enabled will properly upgrade to use the new dimension heights
Non-Experimental Features and Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where Light Blocks would force players to spawn at the surface of the Overworld
- Tropical Fish no longer lose their colors upon grabbing them with a Water Bucket and then releasing them
- Trapdoors show up in the Recipe Book again
- Lily Pads can once again be placed on water deeper than one block
- Mobs no longer jump continuously on non-full blocks such as Snow layers
«Download» implies the possibility of switching to Google Play or another service. You will need a purchased game license to install the update.
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