Minecraft PE

19:05, 20 May 2021 74 148
The Minecraft update is aimed at correcting errors, as well as improving the stability of the update.
Features and Bug Fixes
Various changes have been made to make the game better!
- Long stalactites drip only from the tip
- Stalactites now drip water slightly more often when filling a cauldron
- Pointed dripstone now correctly gets destroyed after the block it was placed on is broken by block updates
- Tweaked background color of settings screens
- Fixed a bug that could occur on older worlds where looking up in a minecart would display the inside of the minecart blocking the player's view
- Maps inside Glow Item Frames no longer cause nearby items to light up
- Picking or breaking Glow Item Frames now gives the correct item
- Advanced Pick Block will now save the data of copied blocks correctly
- Furnace, Smoker, and Blast Furnace now become unlit when fuel finishes
- Fixed a bug where the map was centred on player's position when it was created
- Baby Axolotls no longer consume the Bucket when being fed with a Bucket of Tropical Fish
- Buckets that were used to feed Axolotls can now be stacked together with other empty Buckets
- Fixed ripple effect on portals and crash when creating a large amount of portal blocks
- Fixed bubble columns on naturally generated Magma Blocks
- Function's positional offset is no longer re-evaluated for every command inside the function when run with the '/execute' command. It is now only evaluated once for the whole function
Technical Updates
- Fixed an issue with Signs not displaying the saved text upon placement
- The "has_equipment" filter once again supports data values
- Added a new field "transform_to_item" to the "minecraft:ageable" component. If the field is filled with an item name, the item will be given back when any of "feed_items" are used. Similar to "transform_to_item" in the "minecraft:breedable" component
«Download» implies the possibility of switching to Google Play or another service. You will need a purchased game license to install the update.
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