
18:58, 19 Sep 2023 73 956
The developers have released the Minecraft 1.20.30 update, which has a number of interesting changes and improvements. Of course, Mojang's operational work eliminates bugs in a timely and uninterrupted manner and gives quick feedback to its regular fans.
- Added the «Villager Trade Rebalance» experimental toggle
- Added camera scripting APIs
- Trading
- Librarians from different biomes now sell different Enchanted Books
- Master Librarians with full XP are guaranteed to sell a special enchantment, which is different in each Village biome
- This means that players must visit all seven Village biomes to get the full set of Villager enchantments
- There are two secret Village biomes where Villages do not generate
- A player must build these Villages to access their trades!
- Some enchantments have been removed from Village trading and must be found in other ways
- Added Improved Input Response experimental video option
- Only available for players on Windows
- Reduces input latency
- Cherry Leaves will now generate particle effects at a relatively large distance based on system performance
- Added a button to empty the search bar with one click
- The Colored Terracotta, Concrete Powder, Stained Glass and Stained Glass Pane IDs has been split up into their own IDs
- /camera command now is available without using experimental toggle
- /recipe command now is available without using experimental toggle
- Released command /scriptevent out of experimental
- Amethyst Cluster now uses the minecraft:block_face block state instead of facing_direction
- Slabs now uses the minecraft:vertical_half block state instead of top_slot_bit
- Removed the suspicious stew from the Creative inventory
- The Minecraft Preview application icon has been changed from a grass block to dirt
- Changed the in-game logo for Minecraft Preview
- The "Pause menu" has been renamed to "Game menu"
- Renamed the "Lefty" touch option to "Left hand mode"
- Moved "Sync Old World" button to the storage section
- Changed the "Joystick Always Visible" and "Joystick Visible When Unused" touch options to "Joystick Visibility Option" dropdown menu
- Updated the "Play screen"
- The "Friends" tab and "Realms" tab are now separated, for clearer feature separation
- The "Create New World" flow and "Create From Template" flow are now separated for a clearer path into the game
- Hoglins now have their own sound when transforming into Zoglins
- Husk now plays a sound when converting to a Drowned
- Pig now emit sounds when transformed into zombified Piglin
- Snow Golem now plays a sound when they throw snowballs
- Killed Villager no longer drop items held in him hands
- Witch now throws Healing and Regeneration potions at raiders during village raids
- Zombie Villager now displays their rank in appearance
- Diamond ore is now generated more frequently in the deepslate layers of the Overworld
- Sculk Sensor and Calibrated Sculk Sensor can now detect the following events
- Throwing an eye of ender
- Minecarts, consistently when moving on rails while empty
- Collecting fish, axolotls, and tadpoles with buckets
- Cleaning items in cauldrons
- Dying leather armor in cauldrons
- Tipping arrows in cauldrons
- Using dyes to change cauldrons' water color
- Non-player actors event when equipping shields in their off-hand slot
- Applying a nametag
- Evokers summoning vexes or fangs
- Chickens, frogs, and turtles laying eggs
- Using bone meal
- Chiseled bookshelves when books are inserted into them using hoppers
- Extinguishing fire
- Mounting or dismounting a vehicle
- Rabbits eating carrot crops
- Foxes eating sweet berry bushes
- Unequipping armor
- Placing a banner, bamboo sapling, lily pad, or a head
- Placing frogspawns
- Placing or adding sea pickles
- Adding/destroying a turtle egg
- Turtle eggs cracking
- Changed the hardness and blast resistance of 188 blocks
- Using shears on it now produces a carving sound
- Using shears on it now produces a carving sound
- Updated the /recipe command syntax
- Updated the recipe notification for the Recipe book
Fixed 125 bugs. The main ones are:
- Fixed no anvil step sound
- The discount for curing a villager is no longer multiplied if the villager is reinfected and cured again
- Fixed no Trident channeling sound
- Crossbow durability decreases after charging
- Fixed missing sounds when a hostile mob shoots arrows or throws trident
- Fixed bug when coral blocks take too long to break
- Fixed adult Zombie Villagers use the farmer texture regardless of their actual profession
- Fixed villagers which can change their profession in the night time/during raids
- Fixed stuck swimming down/falling bug
- Fixed Warden detecting falling items
- Fixed crouch while flying in Creative with touch controls
- Fixed Pig death sound upon being converted
- Fixed bulk item crafting buggy
- Fixed Backspace key
- Top snow has inconsistent collision for dropped items
- Structure void can't be targetted
«Download» implies the possibility of switching to Google Play or another service. You will need a purchased game license to install the update.
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