
18:34, 3 Aug 2023 33 775
The Minecraft Beta and Preview The Render Dragon graphics engine has received shader support, redesigned trading with a Librarians and Wandering Traders. In addition, various changes have been made and bugs have been fixed. Details are in the article below and on the developers' website.
- Added «Villager Trade Rebalancing» toggle
- Added «Render Dragon Features for Creator» toggle
- Added Vertical Sync toggle to Video menu
- The underwater fog in Cherry Groves now uses a transition that increases visibility after a while
- Pickaxe can now quickly mine Pistons and Sticky Pistons
- Updated the text when sleeping to better reflect the PlayersSleepingPercentage gamerule
- Added a button to empty the search bar with one click
Librarian and Wandering Trader
- Requires Villager Trade Rebalancing toggle
- Librarians from different biomes now sell different Enchanted Books
- Trading with a Librarian is no longer random, but depends on the skill level of the Resident
- Master Librarians with full XP are guaranteed to sell a special enchantment, which is different in each Village biome
- This means that players must visit all seven Village biomes to get the full set of Villager enchantments
- There are two secret Village biomes where Villages do not generate
- Wandering Traders now have lower prices and have a higher amount of each item in stock
- Wandering Traders now sell Logs
- Wandering Traders can now buy many items, instead of only selling
Render Dragon
- Added the ability to change graphics on Android, Windows and Xbox
- Render Dragon shaders support PBR materials, Primary lighting, Shadows (sun & moon), Bloom, Tone mapping and Atmospheric Scattering
- Third person camera no longer clips through Snow, Mud, and Soul Sand
- Stonecutter no longer drops as an item when using the wrong tool
- Powering and unpowering a Redstone Repeater or Comparator no longer disrupts water flow
- Shields now play a sound when equipped in the off-hand slot
- Villagers are now prevented from gaining a profession when sleeping
- Fixed a bug that caused the Raid boss bar to automatically deplete to zero when the Village was defeated
- Entity names beginning with a number will now result in a content error
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