
20:24, 15 Nov 2023 38 559
The Minecraft Beta and Preview has been released, introducing the highly-anticipated Trial Chambers and Trial Spawner, as well as a Breeze! Players will have the opportunity to engage in combat with monsters and earn valuable rewards. More information can be found in the article below and on the developers' website.
- The Breeze is a cunning, hostile mob that can spawn via Trial Spawner in some rooms within the Trial Chambers
- The Breeze moves primarily by leaping around the target, sometimes jumping quite long distances
- An aggressive adversary, the Breeze shoots volatile wind energy in the form of wind charge projectiles at its target
- Wind charges deal a small amount of damage when colliding directly with an entity
- After colliding with an entity or a block, wind charge projectiles produce a wind burst, which knocks back entities in the area by several blocks
- Wind bursts also have the effect of 'activating' certain blocks:
- Non-Iron Doors and Trapdoors are flipped
- Fence Gates are flipped
- Buttons are pressed
- Levers are flipped
- Bells are rung and swung
- Lit Candles (both standalone and on cake) are extinguished
- Wind bursts do not have any effect on Iron Doors, Iron Trapdoors, or any block being held in its position by a Redstone signal
- Known Parity Breaks
- Breeze does not have any non-jump movement during combat
- Breeze does not deflect projectiles
- Breeze does not avoid trapdoors
Trial Spawner
- Trial Spawner is a new variant of Monster Spawners that ejects rewards upon completion and can have variable levels of challenge in multiplayer
- The challenge level will increase for each new player a Trial Spawner notices nearby
- Challenge level will not decrease until it is reset during a Trial Spawner's cooldown
- Unlike normal spawners, a Trial Spawner will spawn a limited number of mobs proportional to its current challenge level
- It can only spawn a mob at positions that are within line of sight
- It can spawn a mob regardless of any light level requirement the mob has
- Spawned mobs are persistent
- Once all mobs are defeated, the Trial Spawner will eject a set of rewards proportional to the current challenge level
- After the rewards have been ejected, the Trial Spawner goes into cooldown for 30 minutes during which it will no longer spawn mobs
- Trial Spawners cannot be crafted nor obtained by players in Survival - instead, they can be found naturally placed throughout Trial Chambers
- Trial Spawners are extremely slow to mine and resistant to explosions, and will not drop even with Silk Touch
- When placed in Creative, Trial Spawners have no mob type set by default
- The mob type can be set by interacting with it while holding a Spawn Egg
- Creative and Spectator players cannot be detected or noticed by Trial Spawners
Trial Chambers
- Trial Chambers are a new structure in the Overworld where players can explore and take on combat challenges during the mid-game
- Trial Chambers are made out of a variety of Copper and Tuff blocks and can be found in different sizes from large to small
- Trial Chambers are a relatively common find throughout the Deepslate layer of the underground
- The layout of each Trial Chamber is procedurally generated, and can include traps, reward chests and a variety of combat spaces
- Supply chests can be found between different rooms, and give you blocks and items which help you navigate your trials
- Reward chests are guarded by challenges in each room, and can be a source of enchanted books and equipment
- The loot found in reward chests are still being iterated, and are absolutely not final
- Each Trial Chamber will include Trial Spawners with a melee, small melee, or ranged category:
- Melee: Zombie, Husk, Slime
- Small Melee: Spider, Cave Spider, Baby Zombie, Silverfish
- Ranged: Skeleton, Stray
- Each Trial Spawner category will only use one mob for the entire structure when generated, and these mobs are randomized for each Trial Chamber
- For example, one Trial Chamber might only spawn Zombies, Cave Spiders and Strays, while another might only spawn Slimes, Silverfish and Skeletons
- The exceptions to this are some Trial Spawners in unique rooms which always spawn Breezes
- Known issues
- The corridors sometimes end with a dead end
- Aquifers, Lush Caves, and Sculk Veins sometimes intersect with the Trial Chamber
- Loot tables can contain wrong items or wrong quantities of items
- Trial Key
- An item that can only be obtained from Trial Spawners
- Trial Keys do not currently have any functionality
- Updated Crafter textures
- Updated Tuff Bricks texture
- Container blocks triggered with Redstone (e.g. hopper, dispenser) can now be interacted with consistently when powered by a fast Redstone clock
- Added more informative error messaging in case world exports fails due to external OS issue
- Improved delay between 100% Loaded and when main menu appears on console platforms
- In horizontal split screen, second player can now navigate to the profile screen, and both players can now see each others' character changes
- Updated the information about Conduits in the How to Play section
- Added Netherite as a block type in the Encyclopedia Beacon tab
- Increased the maximum render distance in Preview on Realms to 20 chunks
- Add an unread post count indicator to the Feed button on the play screen and slots screen
- Fixed an issue that made Boats clip through blocks when placed
- Fixed an issue that could inflict unexpected fall damage in certain cases when building blocks while moving
- Players no longer fall through the block they stand on when switching to Spectator mode and back
- Fixed issue where eating an Apple does not slow down player movement
- Fixed a bug where certain chat messages would briefly be incorrectly shown on the new death screen
«Download» implies the possibility of switching to Google Play or another service. You will need a purchased game license to install the update.
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