Minecraft PE Beta

18:45, 15 Sep 2021 46 161
A new beta version of Minecraft has been released, which brings many different changes to the game. The update adds numerous changes to the generation of the world, brings a new graphics engine and much more.
Known issues
- Bee hives are generated too often
- The Render Dragon graphics engine now works on mobile devices (ARMv7)
- Updated the height of the clouds, now they are at Y=192
- Deep shale is generated below Y=0
- Stone Peaks biome added
- Fixed vegetation in mountain meadows
- Creepers are now formed in Lush caves, not above the surface
- Cave vines can now grow below zero height
- Changed ore distribution to match Java Edition
- Changed the distribution of biomes, the size of rivers and landscapes for a better perception of the world
- The trees in the waters of the swamps now grow deeper
- Infected stone can be found under the new mountains
- Changed the appearance of mobs in mountain and cave biomes to match the Java Edition

The deep shale is now generated below the zero height, which corresponds to the Java Edition.

Technical changes
- Updated documentation of the block rotation component
- Updated documentation on BlockExplosionResistance
- Added ImGui window for easier viewing of errors
Fixed bugs
- Fixed the falling dropper hitbox
- Fixed a crash that could occur when using the character editor
- Fixed a bug with the amount of cake eaten
- Changed the message when friends change the skin
- Fixed a bug with the color of Steve's skin in the character editor
- The subjects of the Educational Publication are no longer displayed when entering a command with the parameter @e[type=]
- Fixed a bug where the player started burning when moving to another dimension if there was lava under the portal
- Now you can't eat if the hunger scale is completely filled
- Sea grass is no longer generated under water lilies and does not break them
- Fixed a bug where residents were constantly opening and closing doors
- Residents-cartographers now sell correct maps on all Bedrock platforms
- Amethyst geodes are now less frequently generated in fortresses
- Mobs now move better in incomplete blocks
- Armor is no longer displayed on looters and champions, but still gives armor effects.
- Fixed a bug with the display of the axe at the champion
- Loose snow no longer disappears when viewed from afar
- Added the "More Details" button in case of failed authorization
- The new Achievements interface is now available on Windows 10 ARM PCs
«Download» implies the possibility of switching to Google Play or another service. You will need a purchased game license to install the update.
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