Minecraft PE Beta
17:52, 5 Mar 2021 40 122
A new version of Minecraft PE Beta has been released, in which the developers not only fixed bugs, but also added new experimental features that will be part of a major update 1.17!
- Introducing the new mountain sub biomes: Lofty Peaks, Snow Capped Peaks, Snowy Slopes, Mountain Grove, and Mountain Meadow!
- To accommodate the new Mountains we are raising the world height from 256 to 320 blocks with new Mountain generation up to a maximum of 256 blocks height!
- For true alpinists: Iron, Coal and Emerald ores are generated in mountains!
- Updated textures for Iron, Coal, Emerald, Diamond, Gold, Lapis, Copper, and Redstone ores!
- Mountain terrain will now generate as part of Overworld world generation!
- Move goat spawn from Extreme Hills to Snowy Slopes and allow rabbits to spawn in Mountain Grove!
Glow Squid
- The glow squid has been reintroduced to the beta!
- Glow Squid now emits glow colored ink particles when hurt
- Players can now use dye to color sign text
- Squid's model is no longer offset in the -Y direction
- Added Glow Squid, Glow Ink Sacs and Glow Item Frames
Bug Fixes
- Placing Pointed Dripstone blocks in water no longer results in the water being removed
- When hanging Pointed Dripstones start falling their position now has the correct offset
- Tweaked the visual shape of Pointed Dripstone to match Java
- Crouching while placing pointed dripstone prevents the opposing stalactite and stalagmite to merge
- Standing on a Stalagmite and jumping will cause half heart fall damage when landing
- Pointed Dripstone now has the correct hitbox
- Pointed Dripstone blocks are no longer destroyed by flowing lava
- Pointed Dripstone now has the correct size and rotation when held in hand
- Stalactite death message is no longer ending with a dot
- Falling stalactite now deals correct fall damage
- Pointed Dripstone drips only lava in the Nether
- Being killed by dripstone now displays correct death message
- Correct sounds are now played for Dripstone and Pointed Dripstone blocks
- Cauldrons can now fill up with water or lava when below stalactites that are dripping one of those liquids
- Throwing a trident on a pointed dripstone block breaks it
- Added Dripstone block. It can be crafted from four Pointed Dripstones!
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