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Mod: Terrible Creatures

Mod: Terrible Creatures

The Terrible Creatures mod will add new and terrible creatures to Minecraft that you can fight with dignity, but you need to prepare before the fight…

Mod: I Am Legend

Mod: I Am Legend

The I Am Legend mod is based on the movie of the same name and will add characters and creatures to Minecraft that you can meet in the world…

Mod: Security Turret

Mod: Security Turret

The Security Turret mod will add a new defensive turret with an automatic machine gun to Minecraft, which will protect your base from monsters and other enemies…

Mod: Nether Plus

Mod: Nether Plus

The Nether Plus mod will add new hostile creatures to Minecraft in Nether, the complexity of the game will increase and exploring Nether will become more interesting!…

Mod: Bodyguard

Mod: Bodyguard

The Bodyguard mod will add your personal bodyguard to Minecraft, which not only looks stylish, but can also protect against everything…

Mod: yFarm Craft

Mod: yFarm Craft

yFarm Craft mod diversifies farming mechanics in Minecraft, new animals, new seeds, production of various resources will appear…

Mod: Ex Nihilo

Mod: Ex Nihilo

The Ex Nihilo mod will add more crafting options to Minecraft, a sieve, nets, crucible, hammers and much more!…

Mod: MetalChest

Mod: MetalChest

The MetalChest mod will add new types of chests to Minecraft that are better than usual and have more inventory slots!…

Mod: EnergyBar

Mod: EnergyBar

The Energy Bar mod will add a new strip to Minecraft that displays energy and will be consumed during various actions…

Mod: Pet Blocks 1.16+

Mod: Pet Blocks 1.16+

The Pet Blocks mod will add new and very cute pets to Minecraft in the form of various game blocks that can be tamed…

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