Mod: Security Turret

22:38, 5 Sep 2021 17 432
Mod Security Turret adds a new turret with an automatic machine gun that will shoot monsters and other players, in addition, it is able to treat surrounding mobs and players. It has six modes of operation, and you can use it to fight bosses.
How to use the turret?
When you put the turret, you need to put a block of red stone in it to activate the power. Do not attack her, otherwise she will start shooting at you.

This is a very effective weapon, it is capable of destroying 300 zombified piglins in 10 seconds.

If you want the turret to attack a specific player, then enter the command /tag @p[name="Nickname"] add turret_foe into the chat.

The turret itself is created from red dust, a distributor and an iron block.

You can heal (repair) the turret by interacting with it with an iron ingot or red dust in your hand.
The turret has six modes of operation, each of which has its own characteristics.
How to use the turret?
When you put the turret, you need to put a block of red stone in it to activate the power. Do not attack her, otherwise she will start shooting at you.

This is a very effective weapon, it is capable of destroying 300 zombified piglins in 10 seconds.

If you want the turret to attack a specific player, then enter the command /tag @p[name="Nickname"] add turret_foe into the chat.

The turret itself is created from red dust, a distributor and an iron block.

You can heal (repair) the turret by interacting with it with an iron ingot or red dust in your hand.
The turret has six modes of operation, each of which has its own characteristics.
- Normal Mode — this mode is used by default, shoots normal arrows
- Slow Mode — shoots arrows with a deceleration effect, use an arrow with a deceleration to activate the mode
- Damage Mode — Shoots arrows with instant damage effect, use an arrow with instant damage to activate the mode
- Desiccation Mode — Shoots arrows with a desiccation effect, use a desiccation arrow to activate the mode
- Poisoning mode — shoots arrows with the effect of poisoning, use the arrow with poisoning to activate the mode
- Healing Mode — Shoots arrows with healing effect, use the arrow with healing to activate the mode
Compatibility: Android / IOS / Windows 10 / Xbox One
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