ModsCraft » Mods » Mod: Jurassic Craft

Mod: Jurassic Craft

Mod: Jurassic Craft
11:11, 4 Feb 2018 330 926
Jurassic Craft is an amazing mod for Minecraft Pocket Edition, adding 17 different dinosaurs to MCPE, which you can find almost in any biome!

Each type of dinosaur has different properties. For example, you can tame some of them, while we recommend avoiding the rest!

We also advise you to download the map Jurassic Craft World, which will take you to the real Jurassic World right in Minecraft Pocket Edition!


Raptors (also known as velociraptors) are predators that play a major role in the Jurassic Park universe.

Basic information:
  • Replace rabbits (7 different colors)
  • Blue and red raptors (50% chance of each appearing)
  • Can be tamed with meat
  • Can be used for riding
  • You can store things in a special chest (you need to tame the raptor and ride it)
  • Can be cured with meat
  • They can open doors
  • Attack other dinosaurs and creatures
  • Use the tag to change the color of the raptor: Blue, Charlie, Echo, Delta, Red, Alpha, Tiger

To tame a raptor, use any kind of meat. It is possible to tame only those raptors that are between the 1st and 3rd stages of growth.

Mod: Jurassic Craft

The tamed predator will always follow you and will protect you from any monsters.

Give the raptor one of the names from the list to change its color: Blue, Charlie, Echo, Delta, Red, Alpha, Tiger.

Raptor growth stages
Raptors grow to the last stage in 30 minutes.
  • Baby raptor
    Health: 4 hearts
    You can train any kind of meat
    They follow their parents
    Not hostile
    Health: 5 hearts
    Follows the owner
    Can sit/stand
  • Adult Raptor
    Health: 20 hearts
    Attack Damage: 4-7
    Attacks players, brachiosaurs, sheep, horses, mules, donkeys, residents, Triceratops, Gallimim
    Health: 30 hearts
    Attack Damage: 7-10
    Attacks sheep


This is a big and vicious dinosaur that is hostile to everything that moves. However, if you find a small Carnotaur, you can tame it with meat.

Basic information:
  • Replaces the champion
  • A small Carnotaur can be tamed with meat
  • A tamed and fully grown Carnotaur protects its master
  • Wild Carnotaur is hostile to all mobs and players

Stages of Carnotaur growth:
  • Cub:

    Tame with meat
    He follows his master
    You can feed (heal) meat
  • Adult:

    Hostile to all mobs and players
    Can't be tamed
    Protects his master
    You can ride

Tyrannosaurus Rex

T-Rex: Tyrannosaurus Rex is considered one of the largest carnivores that lived in his time. Basic information:
  • Replaces witches
  • Can be tamed with meat
  • Hostile
  • It can be used for riding (you need a saddle, and an iron sword to control the direction)
  • You can store things in a special chest (you need to tame and saddle it)

You can only tame the cubs of this type of dinosaur, the adult witch will attack everything she sees!

It will take a long time for the cub to grow up to an adult dinosaur.

The tamed Tyrannosaurus will become your real bodyguard in the harsh world of dinosaurs MCPE, because he is the thunderstorm of all monsters!

You can also store some of your resources in his special chest. There are 27 slots available in total.

The wild Tyrannosaurus is one of the most dangerous mobs you can meet. He loves the taste of human flesh and eats everyone.

T-Rex growth stages
stage 1:
  • Baby T-Rex
  • Health:
    Wild: 10 hearts
    Tamed: 12.5 hearts
  • Friendly
  • Follow their parents
  • Can be tamed with any kind of meat (chance: 25%)
  • You have 6-10 minutes to tame it
  • You can order to sit/stand

stage 2:
  • Still very small
  • Health:
    Wild: 20 hearts
    Tamed: 25 hearts
  • Attack Damage:
    Wild: 7
    Tamed: 10
  • Takes 40 minutes for a T-Rex cub to grow to this stage
  • Attacks cows, villagers, sheep, players and other small dinosaurs
  • Tamed:
    Follows his master
    Protects his master
    Can sit/stand

stage 3:
  • Adult T-Rex
  • Health:
    Wild: 40 hearts
    Tamed: 50 hearts
  • Attack Damage:
    Wild: 14
    Tamed: 18
  • Attacks sheep, players, wolves, horses, donkeys, mules, villagers and other medium/large dinosaurs
  • Tamed:
    Follows his master
    Protects his master
    You can ride
    You can use a leash
    27 inventory slots

Indominus Rex

This is a fictional dinosaur who played the role of the main antagonist in the last part of the movie Jurassic World. Basic information:
  • Replaces the Iron Golem
  • Is the boss
  • Extremely hostile
  • Has 100 health units
  • Damage: 10-20
  • Attacks other dinosaurs and mobs

This is one of the most dangerous dinosaurs in this Minecraft mod. He can eat anything he sees.


This is the smallest dinosaur you will meet in your world with this mod for Minecraft PE. If these dinosaurs get together in a group, they will be very dangerous. Basic information:
  • Replaces the ragamuffin
  • You can distract with meat
  • Adult
    Health: 4 hearts
    Damage: 2
  • The cub
    Health: 2 hearts
    Damage: 1
  • Predator

These dinosaurs can be found in the desert biome. This is the smallest kind of dinosaur (with this addition), and although they look very cute, but do not be fooled! They are very dangerous, especially if they gather in a group!

But you can also distract them with meat, because the smell of fresh meat attracts them more than a person!


Do you want to see a real flying reptile? Then go to the caves and find this kind of dinosaurs! Basic information:
  • Replace bats
  • Can't be tamed, but can be saddled (can't control the direction)
  • Can be tied to the fence with a leash
  • Herbivorous dinosaur, running away from predators

You can find such a dinosaur in caves, because it replaces bats in MCPE. If you think you are brave, then ride him to fly on him! But remember that it cannot be controlled!

Stages of pterodactyl growth:
  • Stage 1: 4 Hearts of Health
  • Stage 2: 7.5 hearts of Health
  • Stage 3: 10 Hearts of Health
  • Stage 4: 15 hearts of Health
  • Stage 5: 20 hearts of Health

Mosasaurus and Tylosaurus

Mosasaurus: predators that live in water. They like to eat human meat. Basic information:
  • Replacing the ancient guardians
  • Appear around underwater fortresses
  • Baby:
    Health: 10 full hearts
    4 damage
  • Adult
    Health: 40 full hearts
    10 damage
  • Attacking Indominus Rex

Tylosaurus: a very large reptile living in the ocean. It's not as big as a Mosasaur, but it's just as dangerous, because it has a lot of damage!
  • They replace the guards
  • Appear around underwater fortresses
  • Baby:
    Health: 7.5 full of hearts
    3 damage
  • Adult
    Health: 30 full hearts
    6 damage

Mosasaurus and Tylosaurus are extremely hostile to most mobs, as well as players. Everything they see, they eat!

You can attract cubs with the help of fish. You can speed up their growth by feeding them fish.


Brachiosaurus: this is the most recognizable dinosaur! And all because of its long neck, which attracts other predators. This type of dinosaur will not attack you and is a friendly mob. Basic information:
  • Feed two dinosaurs with foliage so that they have a baby
  • It takes 30 minutes for a Brachiosaur to reach from stage 1 to 10
  • Passive
  • The male species replaces cows
    5-50 health (depending on the stage of growth)
    Red Head
    Spawns everywhere
  • Female species replaces mushroom cows
    2.5-45 health (depending on the stage of growth)
    Brown head
    Spawns in mushroom biomes
  • Herbivore, run away from predators

It is very difficult to find the most adult dinosaur, since this type of dinosaur has 10 stages of growth. However, you can speed up this process by feeding the Brachiosaurus with foliage.

You can breed dinosaurs (male = cow, female = mushroom cow) by feeding them foliage.


The dilophosaurus in this supplement is made exactly like Jurassic Park. However, the real dinosaur that lived on Earth is not exactly like him. In this addon, he has the ability to spit poison.

Basic information:
  • Replaces the Wither skeleton
  • You can distract with meat
  • Hostile
  • Spits poison that blinds, spitting does some damage
  • Melee Attack Damage: 5
  • Predator

Don't get too close! If you get close to him, he will start attacking you with poison!

Stages of Dilophosaurus growth

stage 1
  • Health: 3
  • Friendly

stage 2
  • Health: 5
  • Friendly

stage 3
  • Health: 7.5
  • Friendly

stage 4
  • Health: 10
  • Can spit poison

stage 5
  • Health: 15
  • Can spit poison


Oviraptor is afraid of people, so he tries to avoid them.

Basic information:
  • Replaces the tramp
  • Hostile towards chickens
  • Herbivore, escapes from predators
  • Drop:feathers

Stages of Dilophosaurus growth
stage 1
  • Health: 3
  • Friendly

stage 2
  • Health: 5
  • Friendly

stage 3
  • Health: 7.5
  • Friendly

stage 4
  • Health: 10
  • If you hit him, he will start spitting poison

stage 5
  • Health: 15
  • If you hit him, he will start spitting poison


Spinosaurus: this dinosaur is most likely bigger than a Tyrannosaurus, and it's hostile!

Basic information:
  • Replaces zombies
  • Cubs can be tamed with meat
  • Feed meat to tamed spinosaurs to speed up their growth
  • A tamed spinosaurus can be used for riding. Control the direction with an iron sword
  • You can store things in a special chest, saddle it to open the chest

You can tame a Spinosaurus by feeding it meat. The tamed dinosaur will automatically walk behind you and protect you from hostile mobs.

Wild Spinosaurus knows no mercy for players, mobs or other dinosaurs (including its own kind). But at the same time they will not attack the cubs of their own kind.

The tamed Spinosaurus has a special chest (27 slots) in which you can store things.

A tamed dinosaur can also be saddled. Use the iron sword to control it.

Stages of Spinosaurus growth
stage 1
  • Wild:
    Health: 3
  • Tamed:
    Health: 5
Stage 2
  • Wild:
    Health: 6
  • Tamed:
    Health: 8
Stage 3
  • Wild:
    Health: 9
    Damage: 6
  • Tamed:
    Health: 12.5
    Damage: 8
Stage 4
  • Wild:
    Health: 12.5
    Damage: 10
  • Tamed:
    Health: 22.5
    Damage: 12
Stage 5
  • Wild:
    Health: 20
    Damage: 14
  • Tamed:
    Health: 30
    Damage: 16


These dinosaurs are afraid of people and try to avoid them. Basic information:
  • Replaces the zombie pigman
  • Can be tamed with:
    Wheat (chance: 2%)
    Carrots (chance: 3%)
    Potatoes (4% chance)
    Beets (5% chance)
  • Tamed:
    Can be saddled (control him with an iron sword)
    He follows his master
    Feed wheat, carrots, potatoes, beets to heal the dinosaur
    Feed two adults with food and they will reproduce

Taming this dinosaur is like taming a horse. Sit on it until it perceives you as its master.

You can increase the chance of taming by feeding it one of the following items before attempting to tame it:
  • Wheat (chance: 2%)
  • Carrots (chance: 3%)
  • Potatoes (chance 4%)
  • Beets (chance: 5%)

After taming, use the iron sword to control the movement of the dinosaur.

Little dinosaurs

There are four small dinosaurs in total, which are mostly suitable only for feeding predatory dinosaurs.

Basic information:
  • Replace ocelots
  • Herbivores, run away from predators.

They can be found in the jungle as they replace ocelots. But of course you can also use spawn eggs to create them. Most of them will run away from you, but you can attract them to yourself with the following items:
  • Beetroot
  • Potatoes
  • Carrots
  • Apples
  • Watermelon

Chilesaurus is the largest of them!
  • Colors: Yellow and Blue
  • The largest of the four
  • Avoid big dinosaurs
  • Health:
    Cub: 5
    Adult: 10

Liellinasaurus is smaller than Chilesaurus, so they are not interesting to predators.
  • Colors: Black and white
  • Less Chilesaurus
  • Avoid big dinosaurs
  • Health:
    Cub: 4
    Adult: 8

Hypsilophodon is incredibly fast and will always run away from you!
  • Colors: Green
  • Smaller than Liellinasaurus
  • Avoid big dinosaurs and players
  • You can attract fruit, but do not make sudden movements
  • Health:
    Cub: 3
    Adult: 8

Otniella is one of the smallest dinosaurs in this supplement. He will always try to avoid players and dinosaurs.
  • Colors: Blue, Brown
  • The smallest of the four dinosaurs
  • Avoid big dinosaurs and players
  • You can attract fruit, but do not make sudden movements
  • Health:
    The cub: 2.5
    Adult: 6


Dodo: it is a friendly flightless bird. It is slightly larger than a chicken and can be found in most biomes.

Basic information:
  • Friendly towards players and other mobs
  • Drop: feathers
  • The cub
    Health: 3 full hearts
  • Adult
    Health: 10 full hearts


Ankylosaurus wears what looks like a thick armor plate. It gives him more protection. It's not a hostile dinosaur, but it will attack if someone attacks it first.

  • Replaces the creeper
  • Passive
  • Adult:
    Health: 60
    Damage: 8
    If the cub is attacked, the adults will come to his aid
    If an adult is attacked, then other adults nearby will come to the rescue.
  • Kid
    Health: 25

It will take 40 minutes for the cub to grow to the size of an adult. You can accelerate its growth with carrots, beets, potatoes, foliage, wheat or a sheaf of hay. You can also heal him with the same items.


Triceratops: this is a large four-legged dinosaur. It has a large bone collar and three horns. This is a neutral mob that will try to avoid the big dinosaurs, but if provoked, it will defend itself and its cubs against malicious players and hostile dinosaurs.

Basic information:
  • Replaces polar bears
  • Avoids large carnivorous dinosaurs
  • Adult
    Health: 60 full hearts
  • The cub
    Health: 15 full hearts


The Wrangler and Mercedes-Benz G550 jeeps are the best cars you can use to drive around the amazing new dinosaur world in Minecraft PE!
  • Replaces Spiders (Wrangler) and Cave Spiders (Mercedes-Benz G550)
  • Health: 4 full hearts
  • Use the key (carrot on a stick) to control
  • The jeep can only accommodate one person
  • Inventory for 27 slots

You can use the key (carrot on a stick) to control the direction of the vehicle.

Decorative blocks

Some of the dyes can be used to turn a box (Shulker Box) into things like an incubator or a mosquito in amber.

Last update: February 4, 2018 (v5.1)
What's new?
  • Added Carnotaur
  • Added decorative blocks
  • Fixed sounds and behaviors of mobs

Installing Jurassic Craft mod (.mcpack):

  • Download the mod files marked .mcpack from the link below.
  • Just open the files (via ES Explorer on Android) and the game will install everything you need by itself
  • Launch Minecraft Pocket Edition and go to edit the world.
  • Select Resource Sets.
  • Find the texture file and click on it to activate.
  • Select Behavior packs.
  • Find the add-on file and click on it to activate.
  • The mod is installed, have a nice game!

Animals / Survival / Mobs
21 commen
reload, if the code cannot be seen
  1. Аватарка гостя
    12:08 15 Jan 22
    Мод офигенный, те у кого не получилось то это ваши проблемы вы отстой, а не мод! А дорогим разработчикам огромное спасибо, и здоровья!
    1. Аватарка гостя
      Костя мамрош
      17:38 13 Feb 22
      Слыш че сам атстой у меня не получилось дапустем придурок больной всего тебе худшего обосаный мегамозг
    2. Аватарка гостя
      22:21 6 Mar 24
      Не обсирай людей, да у меня на Java это не сработало они просто текстуры налепили на животных...
  2. Аватарка гостя
    22:07 3 Jan 22
    Мод беее текстуры фуууу не скачиваете мод ????? скачиваете Yudino он лучше чем это или modscraft у них моды лучше
    1. Аватарка гостя
      0:26 29 Jan 22
      Ета не так
  3. Аватарка гостя
    11:11 27 Nov 21
    Я поставил всё на указанную версию но ничего не работает.
  4. Аватарка гостя
    15:14 11 Nov 21
    Я скачала у меня не получилось посмотреть этот модель как постоянно вылетает хотя телефон хороший и не такой еще модный тенул а мод думаю нормальный
  5. Аватарка гостя
    9:55 26 Aug 21
    Мод наверное очень классный, но у меня не работают текстуры. Они просто очень криво ложатся на модельки заменённых животных
    1. Аватарка гостя
      Добрыня Никитич
      21:24 26 Oct 21
      У меня тоже, и ещё,когда прихожу в деревню,то белый динозавр съедает все жителей.
    2. Аватарка гостя
      У меня тоже самое.
      12:13 20 Nov 21
      Хотя я включил текстуры, и параметры.
  6. Аватарка гостя
    18:11 23 Jul 21
    no se quo momo se ase para tenerlo
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