Mod: Block-Geo Fixer 1.18.12+

00:27, 4 Jul 2022 (updated on: 18:15, 22 Jan 2025) 76 175
Unfortunately, after the release of Minecraft 1.18.10, developers have limited the capabilities of block models. Because of this, mods with blocks created before this version could be displayed incorrectly. Mod Block-Geo Fixer fixes this problem!
Below, you can see what the blocks look like without this fix-add-on.

If you enable the add-on in the resource sets, then the models and textures of the blocks from the addons will be fixed!

Last update: July 7, 2022.
What's new?
- Added support Minecraft 1.19
- Fixed bugs
Compatibility: Android / IOS / Windows 10 / Xbox One
Download mod Block-Geo Fixer (.mcaddon)
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