Mod: Lefted 2 Die

03:41, 23 Sep 2021 40 844
Do you think you can beat all the mobs in Minecraft? Well, think again, because with the mod Left 2 Die you will need to be on guard and listen to the sounds around you, because a Smoker, a Hunter, a Witch and other creatures based on the game Left 4 Dead 2 can hide in the dark .
Ordinary zombies

Zombie special forces

Intelligent zombies




The Crying Witch:

The Mad Witch:


Ceda Instructions
Ceda Instructions 1

Ceda Instructions 2

Ceda Instructions 3

Ceda Instructions 4

These blocks can be placed on the wall.

Glock Pistol

Ammunition can be crafted on a workbench.

Submachine gun

To get ammunition, you need to craft them.

How to replenish ammunition?
To replenish ammunition, you need to put an empty pistol and its ammunition in the crafting grid of the workbench.

Ordinary zombies
- Health: 10 (5 hearts)
- Damage: 3
- Easily killed by fire
- Move at the same speed as the player
- They have five varieties

Zombie special forces
- Health: 25 (12.5 hearts)
- Damage: 3
- Has immunity to discarding
- Appear less frequently than usual

Intelligent zombies
- Health: 20 (10 hearts)
- Damage: 3
- Breaks boards, doors, beds, glass, wool

- Health: 8 (4 hearts)
- Damage: Summon 25 ordinary zombies
- When killed, it explodes

- Health: 50 (25 hearts)
- Enough players tongue at a distance of 10 blocks

- Behaves like a smoker, but the capture distance is up to 12 blocks
- Breaks glass

- Health: 450 (225 hearts)
- Damage: 20
- Very dangerous
- It has two versions: normal and evil
- In the normal version, she cries
- If a player or an iron golem hits her, she will start attacking
- Can jump high
- Without armor, a player can die in one hit
The Crying Witch:

The Mad Witch:

- The strongest enemy
- Health: 1500 (750 hearts)
- Damage: 12
- Moves faster than the player
- It cannot be destroyed by fire

Ceda Instructions
Ceda Instructions 1

Ceda Instructions 2

Ceda Instructions 3

Ceda Instructions 4

These blocks can be placed on the wall.

Glock Pistol
- Damage: 7
- Clip: 15 rounds

Ammunition can be crafted on a workbench.

Submachine gun
- Damage: 4
- Clip: 30 rounds
- Shoots faster than a Glock

To get ammunition, you need to craft them.

How to replenish ammunition?
To replenish ammunition, you need to put an empty pistol and its ammunition in the crafting grid of the workbench.

- All zombies appear at night;
- The same loot will fall out of all zombies (rotten flesh 1-5 pcs.);
- Burn the witch!
Compatibility: Android / IOS / Windows 10 / Xbox One
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