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Mod: Furnicraft

Mod: Furnicraft
03:18, 21 Mar 2022 1 053 912

The Furnicraft mod adds a wide variety of furniture, decorative blocks, new items, and even residents to Minecraft PE! This mod has everything you need for furnishing your kitchen, bedroom, yard, and more in your own game world. Don't forget to activate Experimental Gameplay to fully enjoy it.

The mod introduces a range of furniture blocks such as trampolines, TVs, gaming PCs, stoves, billiard tables, chairs, sofas, pianos, 3D colored beds, tables, kitchen furniture, blocks of luck, Christmas trees, toilets, and many more. Starting from version 8, each block has its own spawn egg. Keep in mind that the mod is intended for Minecraft 1.8.0 and higher.

Don't forget to activate Experimental gameplay.

Cemetery decor in Minecraft Camera B Minecraft Ceiling fan Coffin in Minecraft Furniture blocks in Minecraft What the furniture looks like in Minecraft

List of furniture blocks:

  • Trampoline
  • TV
  • Gaming PC
  • Stove
  • Billiard table
  • Chair and sofa
  • Piano
  • 3D colored beds
  • Table
  • Kitchen furniture
  • Blocks of Luck
  • Christmas Tree
  • Toilet
  • etc.

Since version 8, each block has its own spawn egg, but remember that this version is intended for Minecraft 1.8.0 and higher!

Spawn eggs furniture in Minecraft

New furniture v11.9! In the new version of the mod, more than 80 blocks of new furniture have been added to decorate your home.

Decor for the beach in Minecraft Beach decoration in Minecraft Mod: Furnicraft Yard decoration in Minecraft Bridge to Minecraft with a mod Garden decoration in Minecraft Screenshot of a balcony in Minecraft Balcony decoration in Minecraft Example of a cemetery in Minecraft

How to get furniture?

The universal method of obtaining any furniture block in the "Furnicraft" fashion is to craft a special item, the recipe of which is shown in the picture below (1 Clay + 1 Red dye + 1 Green dye + 1 Blue dye):

The next thing you need to do is place this item in the Workbench to get any furniture block.

Block for getting furniture in Minecraft

Another option is to get new furniture through inventory in creative mode, there you will find everything you need to build your dream house in Minecraft!

How to start a family?

To start a family, the player needs to go to villages where special NPCs will spawn. Each player can bargain with an NPC until a child appears in the buy and sell slot.

How to create a child in Minecraft

To have a baby you will need a ring, a ring recipe:

Recipe for an engagement ring in Minecraft

For crafting, you will need Rose gold, which is extracted from a new rose gold ore. The probability of ore generation in mines and caves is average, the highest probability of generation in caves under villages. Once you have received the baby, you need to put it in the crib. In order for the child to start growing, he needs to be given 1 Diamond, it will take about 5 minutes. As soon as the child comes out of the crib, he needs to be fed (cakes, apple, sugar, golden apple).

Children in Minecraft

What does an NPC look like in a village:

Screenshot of NPCs in Minecraft

New Rose Gold items have also been added.

Last update: v17.2 (March 21, 2022)

What's new?

  • Added support for Minecraft 1.18.12+ and beta versions
  • Now all the furniture is made in the form of blocks
  • Added new features
  • Fixed bugs

Installing the Furnicraft mod (.mcpack):

  • Download the mod files marked .mcpack from the link below.
  • Just open both files (via ES Explorer on Android) and the game will install everything you need by itself.
  • Launch Minecraft and go to edit the world.
  • Select Resource packs.
  • Find the texture file and activate the set.
  • Select Behavior packs.
  • Find the add-on file and activate the set.
  • The mod is installed, have a nice game!

Supported versions
Furniture / Blocks
reload, if the code cannot be seen
  1. Аватарка гостя
    22:26 29 Jan 25
    Does this mod work with Education Edition?
  2. Аватарка гостя
    18:37 27 Dec 24
    Пожалуйста добавьте поддержку для 1.21.40 а то у меня вылетает
  3. Аватарка гостя
    Стив 234
    12:29 22 Dec 24
    Херь какаята
  4. Аватарка гостя
    17:45 14 Aug 24
    cubic_hub - вводи в Tелегу, лучшие моды и сервера майнкрафт
  5. Аватарка гостя
    нету мод
    19:51 16 Jun 24
    подскажите 1.13.1 и до 1.20.60 мод это женитьсЯ и помовлен или живот бкременны как сделоть пж скадите
  6. Аватарка гостя
    нету мод
    19:49 16 Jun 24
    скачал две мод перезапускаю не рабоиает не могу жениться все красный полосы на 100% и все не жениться не помовлен нет живот беременный не работает 1.13.1 нет 1.16 10 и 1.16.20 и 1.17 30 и нет 1.18.30 нет 1.20.1 и 1.20.62 и 1 20.60 майнкрафт
  7. Аватарка гостя
    Рандом девочка
    22:17 8 Sep 23
    Я просто угораю с челиков в коммах, с огромным количеством ошибок, без запятых, даже маты писать нормально не умеют. Ну большинство отзывов к моду писали именно дети от 6 -10 лет, иначе не скажешь. Ужас. Ещё и не понимают, что создателей этого мода здесь НЕТУ просто. Это сайт, где можно скачать моды, может и можно выйти на связь с автором как то, но я хз за эту сосисканю
    1. Аватарка гостя
      0:23 5 Dec 23
      Согласен с тобой во всём 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
  8. Аватарка гостя
    15:19 24 Aug 23
    Мод конечно классный но у меня некоторые вещи невидимые,если сможете то исправьте пожалуйста
  9. Аватарка гостя
    15:48 25 Jul 23
    Калашный мод
  10. Аватарка гостя
    14:57 31 Dec 22
    Мод класний але в мене майнкрфт 1.15 хотілосяб скачати, але мод не йде на цю версію
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