ModsCraft » Mods » Mod: Multidimension

Mod: Multidimension

Mod: Multidimension
00:22, 15 Apr 2022 133 137
Mod Multidimension adds 5 new dimensions to the Minecraft world at once. Each dimension is unique in its structure, and some even have strong bosses.

Cave dimension

The first dimension in this mode is Cave dimension, it is difficult and dangerous, but very useful.

Portal of the cave dimension

To activate the portal, you will need a special bucket of lava. After creating the portal frame, throw the item into one of the corners.

Crafting in the new version:

New Cave Dimension Activation Item

Crafting in the old version:

Cave Dimension activation Item

When you get into it, you will be waiting for a lot of ores, crowds of Skeletons-desiccators. Spiders also appear here naturally.

Cave dimension in Minecraft

Here you can meet a dangerous boss — a Cave Spider. He has 700 health units and can become even stronger when he loses half of his health. He behaves like a normal spider, but can attack with lightning and poison. Deals more than 20 damage and can easily kill you if you are not equipped with armor and potions.

Spider Boss in Minecraft

Celestial dimension

The next dimension is called the Celestial or Heavenly Lands. The dimension is a small area above the sky.

Portal of the Celestial dimension

The frame of the portal is created from quartz, and the portal itself is activated by a special torch. After creating the portal frame, throw the torch item into one of the corners.

Crafting in the new version:

Crafting the torch item in the new version

Crafting in the old version:

Celestial Dimension activation Item

Zombie Piglins appear in this dimension, there is a mysterious temple and many valuable resources.

The celestial dimension in Minecraft

The boss Heavenly Dragon lives in this dimension. It has 800 health units, as well as enhanced protection when health reaches half. When attacking, it uses shock waves with destructive damage of 40 units, celestial spheres and creates lightning.

Heavenly Dragon in Minecraft

Temple dimension

The next dimension is inexorable: the temple dimension. This is achieved by 10 sandstone and ordinary flint thrown into one of the corners.

Temple Dimension Portal

The portal frame is created from sandstone, and the portal itself is activated by a new type of silicon. After creating the portal frame, throw the created silicon into one of the corners.

Crafting in the new version:

Crafting the silicon item in the new version

Crafting in the old version:

The item of activation of the temple portal

There are towers and a temple in this dimension, and Scum live here. In the big temple there is a Boss mummy guarded by skeletons.

Measuring the Temple in Minecraft


The mummy inside the pyramid represents a new boss. The boss is motionless, but is able to attack with shock waves, throwing you back. The boss also uses fireballs to attack. He has 600 health units and he will receive a shield when his health is at half.

Boss Mummy in Minecraft

The mummy has a second phase, which is a huge worm. The worm spews venom and attacks with shock waves. He has 600 health units and enhanced protection.

Huge worm

Measuring ruins

This is the last and most dangerous dimension in this addon.

Ruins Dimension Portal

The portal frame is created from bricks, and the portal is activated by throwing a special lapis lazuli into one of the corners of the frame.

Crafting in the new version:

Crafting the lapis lazuli item in the new version

Crafting in the old version:

The item of the Ruins portal activation

This dimension represents a small part of a world that has not existed for a long time. If you look at it, you can understand that people used to live there, everything flourished. Now this area is barren, gloomy…

Ruin golems appear here, which sometimes fight with each other and may even accidentally hit you.

Measurement of ruins in Minecraft

Soul Fire Arena leads to the strongest boss — Skeletal dragon. He can't fly, but he has 800 health points, and becomes stronger when he loses half of his health.

It deals 25-30 damage per hit. Also, able to attack with lightning bolts and create exploding bones above you. He moves very fast, so be prepared.

Skeleton Dragon in Minecraft

Winter Measurement

This dimension is available in the new version of the addon.

Portal to the Winter Dimension

Tall fir trees grow in it, hostile mobs spawn.

Winter dimension and portal

The portal frame is created from the mushroom light, and the portal is activated by throwing a new snowball into one of the corners of the portal frame.

Crafting of the Winter Dimension Portal activation item

New ore

The mod also adds a new ore — Multiverse Ore. This ore is generated in all major dimensions.

New ore in the Region
New ore in Nether
New Ore in the Ordinary World

It can be used to create a new armor that is slightly better than iron, and you can also create tools.

New armor and tools can also be enchanted.

New Multiverse Armor

Recipe helmet:

Helmet Crafting

Recipe chestplate:

Crafting chestplate

Recipe pants:

Crafting pants

Recipe boots:

Crafting boots

Multidimensional jukebox

An ingot of new ore can also be used to create a new jukebox. He can play three new discs that fall from the bosses.

Multidimensional jukebox recipe

Here are the new records:

New music records


In the ordinary world, you will be able to find a new structure, which is guarded by a new monolithic boss. The keys that are needed to access the new dimensions drop out from it.

Monolithic boss

An axe and one of the three new records may fall out of it.

Drop axes from the boss

Multiverse Potion

The new ore can also be used to brew a new potion, which will require a mundane potion to create. This strange potion will give you fire resistance and agility, as well as a powerful interdimensional effect that cannot be removed for a whole minute.

A new potion in Minecraft
The effect of the new potion

  • The staff of the temple — gives Regeneration and Invisibility, drops from the Worm
  • Spider Staff — freezes enemies and imposes a poison effect, drops from an ancient cave spider
  • The Staff of Ruins — shoots bones, falls from the Skeleton Dragon
  • Heavenly Staff — creates lightning, falls from the Heavenly Dragon

Activating the mod
  • Be sure to activate a set of parameters and resources;
  • Enable the following options: Holiday Creator Capabilities, Custom Biomes Creation, and Additional Modding Capabilities

Last update: v6.1 (April 14, 2022)
What's new?
  • Added a new dimension
  • Updated recipes
  • Fixed bugs

Supported versions
reload, if the code cannot be seen
  1. Аватарка гостя
    21:54 12 Feb 25
    guys, my version 19.51.5 is not working, the activation of the portal is not working, what can be related?
  2. Аватарка гостя
    15:04 18 Sep 24
    Привет всем я хотел сказать у меня мод появляются и мобы только не ведро и фекел и остальные в 1.21 верси исправьте пж
  3. Аватарка гостя
    21:11 23 Jul 23
    Мод как по мне плохой во 1 у меня сверх жоская броня и оружия из другого мода с кучей эффектов и меня убивает любой бос с 2-3 ударов броня лучше незеритовой и алмазной во 2 порталы не открываются в 3 дроп с настолько сильных боссов слишком плохой ( кроме caver staf с паучихи)
  4. Аватарка гостя
    9:20 26 May 23
    Порталу не открываются... Я создают портал, точно такой-же как на картинке, и кидаю нужный предмет в угол рамки, НИЧЕГО! В старой версии все работало а теперь нет!
    1. Аватарка гостя
      7:54 1 Jul 23
      А ты включал набор параметров и ресурсов возможности создателя праздника, Создание пользовательских биомов и Дополнительные возможности моддинга это нужно для активации мода
  5. Аватарка гостя
    11:32 19 Jan 23
    Я пашол
  6. Аватарка гостя
    11:30 19 Jan 23
    Я еще скачаю модов
  7. Аватарка гостя
    11:28 19 Jan 23
    Круто теперь у меня есть несколько мутантов
  8. Аватарка гостя
    14:36 15 Jan 23
    Где найти руды и ключи?
    1. Аватарка гостя
      17:37 23 Jul 23
      Руда спавнится как алмазы с такой редкостью а ключи падают с босса в руинах
  9. Аватарка гостя
    7:28 19 Oct 22
    Зробіть обновку для 1.20
  10. Аватарка гостя
    13:31 5 Jul 22
    Hola hay dos archivos tengo que descargar los 2 o solo hace falta descargar 1
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