
18:43, 19 Apr 2023 106 223
The developers are approaching the release of Minecraft 1.20. In the new update of the Minecraft Beta and Preview, not only bugs have been fixed, but also changes have been made.

- All Trails & Tales content has now been “de-experimentified” and is available during normal gameplay
- Removed the Next Major Update toggle, since it has no active experimental content
- The four Creative Inventory tabs now have their names read out by text-to-speech
- It is now possible to attach a hanging sign to another without sneaking
- Calibrated Sculk Sensor
- Calibrated Sculk Sensors now power the block below them when active
- Calibrated Sculk Sensors now have an active cooldown of 1 second instead of 2 seconds
- Calibrated Sculk Sensors now detect vibrations up to 16 blocks away instead of 8 blocks
- Calibrated Sculk Sensors now power the block below them when active

- Fixed the Sniffer's head Z-fighting with their body
- Suspicious Sand and Suspicious Gravel now play their respective sounds when brushing them has completed
- Decorated Pot faces now use the top rows of pixels
- The Pitcher Crop hitbox will now change in size according to its age
- Pitcher Crop block now uses bottom texture
- Fixed fall damage accumulating when player jumps on roofed Soul Sand Bubble Column

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