ModsCraft » MCPE » Minecraft


18:42, 26 Apr 2023 87 282

A new Minecraft Beta and Preview update. The developers have added new music to the update, fixed various bugs and made some changes. The release is getting closer and closer!

Known Issues

  • Players are unable to connect to LAN sessions hosted by players on Windows or Xbox


  • Added the following new music tracks by Aaron Cherof to Cherry Groves, Desert, Jungle, Mesa, and Flower Forest biomes
    • A Familiar Room
    • Bromeliad
    • Crescent Dunes
    • Echo in the Wind
  • Sugar Cane, Cactus, and Dead Bush can now be placed on Suspicious Sand
  • Bamboo can now be placed on Suspicious Sand and Gravel
  • Sugar Cane and Bamboo can now be placed on Moss Block
  • Archaeology
    • Adding Sniffer Eggs to loot in warm ocean ruin for suspicious blocks
    • Trail Ruins no longer generate partially exposed
    • The loot tables for Suspicious Gravel inside Trail Ruins no longer have duplicate entries for Bricks
    • Added a new music disc which can be acquired by brushing suspicious blocks in Trail Ruins. When put in a Jukebox, Relic by Aaron Cherof is played
    • Reworked Trail Ruins structures based on community feedback
    • Added more structure variants
    • Sand no longer generates within the structures
    • Tweaked the amount of Gravel and Dirt that generates within the structures
    • Tweaked the amount of Suspicious Gravel that generates within the structures
    • Split the loot tables for the Suspicious Gravel within the structure. There is now a dedicated loot table for Rare loot items (e.g. Pottery Sherds, Smithing Templates), and a dedicated loot table for more common loot drops (e.g. Tinted Glass Pane, Tools, Candles, etc.).
    • Renamed 'Pottery Shards' to 'Pottery Sherds'
  • Pitcher Plant & Pitcher Crop
    • Fixed an issue where the plant textures appeared darker
    • Crafting dye from Pitcher Plant now results in two dyes instead of one
  • Brown Mooshrooms can now eat Torchflowers
  • Sniffer
    • Sniffer can now be tempted by Torchflower Seeds
    • Sniffer now rather breeds than search and dig for items or be tempted
    • Sniffer now creates particles while digging
    • Sniffer can no longer search and dig in water
    • Made Sniffer walk cycle smoother
    • Sniffer Egg emits particles only when placed on Moss block to demonstrate faster hatching
  • Added new Trails & Tales Update splash screen texts
  • Added new Trails & Tales Update loading screen tips
Changes in Minecraft


  • Fixed an issue where the plant textures appeared darker
  • Fixed a bug where in some situations an item in an item frame would be too small
  • Flying is no longer disabled when flying under Stairs
  • Bees no longer make the player eating sound when eating
Fixed bugs in Minecraft

«Download» implies the possibility of switching to Google Play or another service. You will need a purchased game license to install the update.
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  1. Аватарка гостя
    16:44 13 Dec 24
    Привет как дела
  2. Аватарка гостя
    23:03 5 Aug 23
    Майнкрафт сосисканя становиться на 10 раз тащей все пропадає. Я не рекомендую люди некачайте
  3. Аватарка гостя
    10:06 21 May 23
    Я бы не советовал, хотел установить но мне сначало высветилось то-что какое-то приложение хочет обойти защиту(хоть я и не понял что за приложение, это было в 1 раз за все время и именно при скачивание майна) а во 2 раз мне сказали что приложение может быть опасным(я знаю что это всегда так говорят, но у мне всегда спрашивали только "вы уверены что хотите установить это приложение?",а в этот раз прямым текстом сказали, что лучше не надо и оно скорее всего опасное.
  4. Аватарка гостя
    20:27 26 Apr 23
    А про пластинку где информация? Пластинка ведь новенькая есть
    1. Аватарка гостя
      20:34 26 Apr 23
      Я провел пластинка они реально подозрительный песок и гравия
  5. Аватарка гостя
    19:44 26 Apr 23
    Мешки хочу
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