Minecraft PE Beta 1.0

Creator: Mojang
20:43, 19 Dec 2016 259 149
Unexpectedly, the developers of Minecraft Pocket Edition released beta 0.17.0 for Android devices in broad daylight! The new version has new blocks, mobs, items, as well as the long-awaited End and the End Dragon!
The End and the Ender Dragon! We've been waiting for this for five years! And finally, it happened! Embark on new adventures with a new large-scale update Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.17.0!

The End and the Ender Dragon! We've been waiting for this for five years! And finally, it happened! Embark on new adventures with a new large-scale update Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.17.0!

What's new in Minecraft 1.0 Beta?
- Chorus plant
- End Crystal
- Ender Chest
- End Rod
- Dragon Head
- Purpur Block
- Purpur Pillar
- Purpur Slab
- Purpur Stairs
- Dragon Egg
- Dragon's Breath
- Chorus Fruit
- Popped Chorus Fruit
- Lingering Potion
- Shulker Spawn Egg
- Endermite Spawn Egg
- Polar Bear Spawn Egg
- Elytra
- Ender Pearl
- Eye of Ender
- Polar bear
- Endermite
- Shulker
- Ender Dragon
- The height of the worlds has been increased to 256 blocks
- Measuring the Edge
- End City
- Igloo in winter biomes
«Download» implies the possibility of switching to Google Play or another service. You will need a purchased game license to install the update.
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