
19:47, 8 Feb 2023 41 726
Update of the beta version of Minecraft for Android. Various bugs have been fixed and some changes have been made.
Experimental Features


Experimental Features
- Removed black lines along the edges of Bamboo Fences and Bamboo Fence Gates (MCPE-163360)
- Importing experimental blocks into a non-experimental world using the Structure Block will now correctly place unknown blocks, which are not interactable
- Camels can once again overcome obstacles as high as one block and a half
- Mangrove and Bamboo Hanging Signs are now placed correctly in the Creative Inventory

- Crossbow now shakes while charging arrows
- Added a new 'Marketplace' icon to the Marketplace screen sidebar
- Witches will drink a Fire Resistance Potion when standing on a Campfire
- Players can now fall off of an edge while sneaking if not holding the sneak button

- Impact sounds of projectiles on Amethyst blocks and clusters are now audible
- End Gateways can no longer be used in Spectator Mode
- Spawn eggs for Snow Golem, Wither, and Trader Llama now appear correctly in the inventory and hotbar
- Summon command no longer causes some entities to be spawned in at an angle
- Composter now always consumes an item when becoming full
- Bells no longer break when a block is placed underneath or above them

«Download» implies the possibility of switching to Google Play or another service. You will need a purchased game license to install the update.
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