ModsCraft » MCPE » Minecraft


18:38, 12 Jul 2022 256 514

The developers have released the next release version of Minecraft 1.19.10. In this update, bugs have been fixed, optimization has been improved, and changes have been made.


  • The Trader Llama now has its own spawn egg
  • Added /locate biome, which can look for specific biomes
  • Music is now included in the game files on iOS, so players no longer need to be download the music pack from the Marketplace
  • Added new splash texts
  • Now drop XP only when destroyed by a pickaxe
  • Can now be placed on the top of mud, muddy mangrove roots, and rooted dirt
  • Decreased from Pufferfish poison level from IV to II
  • Allay can now dance when a nearby jukebox is playing
  • If an Allay is given an amethyst shard while dancing, it can "duplicate", creating another allay and consuming the shard

Allay Duplication

  • When an Allay hears a Jukebox playing, it will do a dance animation
  • If the Jukebox stops playing, or if the Allay gets too far away from the Jukebox, it will stop dancing
  • If the Allay is given an Amethyst Shard while dancing, it will play a small amethyst sound, make a heart, and duplicate into another Allay
  • After duplication, both Allays will have a 5-minute cooldown before being able to duplicate again

Allay Duplication

Vanilla Parity

  • Changed "Feel" sound to match Java Edition
  • Fish Now have less health from 6 to 3 to match Java Edition
  • Changed and revamped the screen to be similar to Java Edition's death screen
  • Warden's hurt animation no longer differs between Bedrock Edition and Java Edition
  • Allay pickup range is changed from 64 to 32 blocks to match Java Edition
  • Mangrove Swamps are now denser to more closely match Java Edition
  • Edited fish health points of Cod, Pufferfish, Salmon, and Tropical fish to be 3 to match Java Edition
  • Mobs equipping items in armor slots now produce sounds
  • Campfires can now provide full-faced bottom support to other blocks
  • Lecterns can now provide full-faced bottom support to other blocks
  • Weeping Vines can now be placed underneath all blocks which can provide full-faced bottom support
  • Breaking a Boat with Chest or minecart with chest will now anger nearby piglins
  • Structure Blocks can no longer be waterlogged
  • Relative positioning of entities exiting Nether portals no longer have their placement snapped to a block position coordinate
  • Fixed a visual bug where liquids could have unexpected heights in the corners depending on diagonally-adjacent blocks
  • Shulker projectile now adds effect "Levitation" instead of "Levitation II" on hit
  • Pufferfish now gives Poison II effect instead of Poison IV when consumed

«Download» implies the possibility of switching to Google Play or another service. You will need a purchased game license to install the update.
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  1. Аватарка гостя
    недовольный посетитель
    16:56 23 Aug 22
    Цена не бесплатная хоть пишет Цена:бесплатно
  2. Аватарка гостя
    brianda erimer brnitez jerez
    1:39 28 Jul 22
  3. Аватарка гостя
    20:17 15 Jul 22
    Можно чистый АПК?
  4. Аватарка гостя
    2:09 15 Jul 22
    Шо делать если не получается зайти к другу на растоянии,просто ждать 1.19.11 или оно здесь как-то исправица
    1. Аватарка гостя
      11:26 7 Feb 23
      Нужно играть на одном WI-FI
  5. Аватарка гостя
    Гоша 29
    20:32 12 Jul 22
    А можно armV7 пожалуйста?
    1. Аватарка гостя
      Эндер Грифер
      18:40 13 Jul 22
      Скачайте клон версию
  6. Аватарка гостя
    Jhon Kayo
    20:31 12 Jul 22
    Podiam ter colocado a porra de um download grátis nê porra do sarai entrei no sítio ‘web’ a toa por que pensei ir baixar a nova versão do Minecraft de faça, mas quando eu entro e para eu comprar
  7. Аватарка гостя
    19:04 12 Jul 22
    Когда будет (arm64v8)?
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