
19:52, 11 Jan 2023 30 934
The developers have released another beta build of Minecraft In this update, bugs have been fixed, optimization has been improved, and changes have been made. Update details coming soon.
- Placing a Hanging Sign under an axis-aligned Hanging Sign with V-shaped chains will now result in a Hanging Sign with double chains, if the player is not sneaking

Vanilla Parity
- Levers now produce the same sound effect as Stone Buttons

- Fixed a bug causing players to not wake up when teleported while sleeping
- Fixed an issue where the "Inception" achievement would not be awarded
- The UI no longer flickers on Android when the keyboard pops up
- Highlight selection no longer highlights entire card for transparent objects like saplings
- V-sync settings are properly configured in options (non-ARM devices)
- Resource packs will now be applied to the worlds after navigating to another screen before creation
- Fixed an issue where some resource packs prompted the user with an error after being downloaded
- Fixed a potential crash when gliding through an End Gateway
- The game no longer crashes when killing an entity with invalid conditions, functions, or pools entries in its loot table

«Download» implies the possibility of switching to Google Play or another service. You will need a purchased game license to install the update.
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