
18:45, 20 Sep 2022 223 476
Minecraft fixes various bugs and makes a number of changes. Players no longer need to download music separately on Android devices, keyboard shortcuts have been added, and other changes. Details below.
Vanilla Parity
- Modified the Fireball entity's collision box to match Java Edition
- The Enchanting Table now produces a sound when enchanting an item
- Amethyst blocks no longer produce sound when jumping off them
- Fixed the bottom texture of the Melon block to match the top texture
- The item stack popup animation will now only play when a new item is added to the stack
- Fixed an issue where Light Blocks would be removed when placing an Armor stand over them
- Changed some structures names in the /locate command to have underscores, like in Java Edition (e.g. ancientcity -> ancient_city); the old names will still work but will not show up in the autocomplete
- Fixed an issue where Boats with Chests would not drop the Chest's contents when destroyed by the /kill command
- Eating a Stew will now leave the empty Bowl in the slot it was eaten from
- Drinking a Potion will now leave the empty Glass Bottle in the slot you drank it from rather than the first empty inventory slot
- Oak and Mangrove Fence Gates are now flammable
- Fixed Hoglin and Zoglin hitbox size and hit range to match Java Edition
- Increased Sculk Shrieker and Sculk Sensor generation rates in Deep Dark and Ancient Cities to better match Java Edition
- Modified the Cat's head position while sitting to match Java Edition
- If a Villager has a Nametag, it is now displayed along with their trade tier
Spectator Mode (Experimental)
- Capes are no longer rendered while in Spectator Mode
- Spectator players in Lava Cauldrons no longer display the burning animation
- Players in Spectator Mode are no longer affected by the Powder Snow fog effect
- Sadly, any leashed animals will not follow spectators anymore
- Players in Spectator Mode no longer emit particles while sprinting
- Spectator players with status effects applied no longer emit particles
- Endermen no longer become angry at players in Spectator Mode
- Players in Spectator Mode can no longer interact with Sculk Sensors by swimming in water or lava
- Players switching into Spectator Mode will unhook any fishhooks attached to them
- Players in Spectator mode can no longer be pushed by explosions
- Powder Snow no longer emits particles when spectators move through it
- Big Dripleaf no longer tilts when touched by players in Spectator Mode
- Players in Spectator Mode now keep their inventories and equipped items on death
- Spectators can no longer attract mob's attention when holding their favorite food
- The /testfor command can now target spectators
- The Spectator game mode can no longer be entered via the /gamemode 6 command, only via /gamemode spectator
- Spectators using touch controls can no longer break Boats and Minecarts
- Parrots sitting on a player's shoulder now hop off when entering Spectator Mode
- Animals and mobs with follow_owner behaviour no longer follow Spectators
- Animals and mobs with find_mount behaviour no longer try to mount Spectators
- Spectator Mode players won't have cold feet and now the Frost Walker enchant does not affect water
- Pufferfish no longer react to nearby spectators
- Fixed a bug that rarely caused the Villager's bounding box to become desynced with the server when sleeping
- Fixed a bug causing an occasional crash when loading players in beds
- The game no longer crashes when browsing Marketplace
- Fixed a crash that could occur when resuming the game on Xbox
- Fixed a bug where deleting cloud synced worlds would not delete the cloud version of the world when the player deletes the world locally
- Fixed PlayStation 4 audio stuttering issues while framerate is low
- Fixed a crashing issue related to undyed Shulkers
- Most common Marketplace connection issues will now automatically resolve themselves when conditions improve without needing to restart Minecraft
- Fixed performance issues when Striders are being ridden by baby Striders
- Fixed a crash that would occur on some devices when loading in worlds with texture packs applied
- Fixed a crash when uploading a world with no name using "Play on Realm" button
- Music is now included in the mobile app and no longer has to be downloaded from Marketplace
- Fixed issue where player would see inside of Top Snow when diving into it while wearing Elytra
- Fireballs can no longer travel through portals to prevent an issue where they could become permanently stuck
- Pressing the Ctrl and Alt keys together will no longer make the Alt key get stuck down
- Endermen no longer get angry at Creative players
- Fixed a bug causing Leads to break with Allays after the owner player changes dimensions
- The Goat's ram animation was modified to slowly lower their head when preparing to ram
- Reduced the Enderman's teleport range to 32x32x32 to ensure that it cannot despawn itself by teleporting
- Allays and Bees should no longer get stuck on Lanterns or other low hanging objects
- EDU Toggle: NPC names default to only being displayed while looking at them
«Download» implies the possibility of switching to Google Play or another service. You will need a purchased game license to install the update.
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