Minecraft PE Beta

19:45, 18 Nov 2021 237 203
Today, the developers have released another beta version Minecraft, which fixed various bugs and made some changes.
Fixed bugs
- Fixed a bug with the transparency of food recharge
- Food again imposes effects
- Reaching the Steel stomach can be opened again
- Farmer residents no longer collect more than 8 stacks of items
- Fixed the appearance of goats in some biomes
- It is now possible to use emotions on scaffolding
- Copper blocks and their variants are now oxidized in the Container
- Fire can no longer be placed on lightning rods
- The player no longer takes damage from their own enchantments, such as the Thorn Enchantment
- Fixed a bug with the camera when the player used the elytra and tried to get into bed
- Fixed a bug with the purchase of coins when the counter was not updated

- Fixed a bug with the generation of destroyed portals under oceans and swamps
- Deep copper ore can now be generated in drip caves
- Between Y=0 and Y=4, a deep shale is now generated when updating old worlds
Vanilla parity
- The signal of the red stone from the music records has been adjusted
- Bow shaking animation now appears only when the bow is fully stretched

Technical changes
- Fixed the behavior of custom food
- Changes have been made to the GameTest Framework
«Download» implies the possibility of switching to Google Play or another service. You will need a purchased game license to install the update.
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