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18:01, 25 Oct 2023 26 197

The developers have released a new version of the Minecraft Beta and Preview In the new update, we got a new Copper and Tuff blocks, the Bat got a new model and animations, some changes were made and bugs were fixed.

Known Issues

  • Waxed Copper Grate - can be crafted on the Crafting Table with Honeycomb, but crafting directly from Waxed Copper Blocks isn't working for the Crafting Table or Stonecutter
  • Chiseled Copper - can't be crafted via the Crafting Table
  • Waxed Chiseled Copper - can be crafted on the Crafting Table with Honeycomb, but crafting directly from Waxed Copper Blocks isn't working for the Crafting Table or Stonecutter
  • Tuff Blocks - can't be crafted via the Crafting Table but can via the Stonecutter


  • Chiseled Copper
    • Crafted with 2 Cut Copper Slabs of a shared oxidation level
    • Can be crafted in the Stonecutter
  • Copper Grate
    • A new type of decorative block unique to the Copper family
    • Crafted with 4 Copper Blocks of a shared oxidation level
    • Can be crafted in the Stonecutter
    • Transparent and allows light to pass through
    • Mobs cannot suffocate inside them
    • Cannot conduct Redstone
    • Hostile mobs cannot naturally spawn on them
  • Copper Bulb
    • A light-emitting block that can toggle its light emission through Redstone pulses
    • Oxidizes like other Copper blocks, and emits less light the more oxidized they are
      • Copper Bulb: Light level 15
      • Exposed Copper Bulb: Light level 12
      • Weathered Copper Bulb: Light level 8
      • Oxidized Copper Bulb: Light level 4
    • While the Copper Bulb is unpowered, it will toggle its light on or off when it receives a Redstone pulse
    • Copper Bulb light will stay on even when the Redstone source is removed until it receives another Redstone pulse to toggle it off
    • A Redstone crystal will glow in the center of Copper Bulbs while it is powered by a Redstone signal
    • Comparators will read a signal strength of 15 if the Copper Bulb's light is on
    • Does not conduct Redstone power
    • Can craft 4 Copper Bulbs with 3 Copper Blocks of a shared oxidation level, 1 Blaze Rod and 1 Redstone Dust
  • Copper Doors and Trapdoors
    • Copper variants of Doors and Trapdoors that can oxidize over time and be waxed
    • Works like wooden Doors in that they can be opened and closed with interaction as well as Redstone
    • Crafted with Copper Blocks of a shared oxidation level
  • Tuff Block Family
    • Tuff has been expanded to have its own family of blocks, including:
    • Stair, Slab, Wall, and Chiseled variants
    • Tuff Bricks with Stair, Slab, Wall, and Chiseled variants
    • Polished Tuff with Stair, Slab, and Wall variants
    • All Tuff variants can be crafted in the Stonecutter

Experimental changes in Minecraft


  • The Bat now has a new look, thanks to an updated model, animations, and texture
  • Chorus Flowers can now be destroyed by any projectile, which will no longer disappear after impact
  • The sounds emitted by Decorated Pots breaking have been made "smashier"
  • The calculations to determine whether a mob can attack a player or other mobs have been changed. Previously a mob's horizontal width was used to determine their attack reach and their height had no effect. The area where a mob can attack is now their bounding box extended in horizontal directions
  • The loading screen now displays 3 categories of tips based on player progression

Changes in Minecraft


  • A Sticky Piston pulling a retracting Sticky Piston that is pulling a player and another block no longer crashes the game
  • Fixed an issue where players couldn't block with a shield after releasing to use an item that had left their inventory
  • Leads will no longer break if a leashed mob is not in the same chunk as the leash holder upon reloading a world
  • Mobs on fire no longer spread fire to their target when holding something in their main hand
  • Fixed an issue where the player could enter touch control customization without having touch controls

Fixes in Minecraf

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  1. Аватарка гостя
    Руки на стол
    23:04 8 Dec 23
    А мне Херобрин позвонив в вайберWHAT
  2. Аватарка гостя
    FELIX 89776
    18:40 2 Nov 23
    1. Аватарка гостя
      14:58 1 Dec 23
      А мне позвонил, только в приложении "Телефон"
  3. Аватарка гостя
    9:35 26 Oct 23
    Что за "хиробрин больше не звонит в WhatsApp"?????
    1. Аватарка гостя
      15:02 1 Dec 23
      О, EndeHero2010, привет
  4. Аватарка гостя
    9:22 26 Oct 23
    Наверное летом выпустят версию 1.21
  5. Аватарка гостя
    Minectaft 1.21
    21:31 25 Oct 23
    Хиробрин больше не звонит в Вацап убило 💀🫣😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  6. Аватарка гостя
    21:21 25 Oct 23
    'Херобрин больше не звонит в WhatsApp' убило ☠️
  7. Аватарка гостя
    С. К
    20:34 25 Oct 23
    Может быть завтра А может быть послезавтра А может быть на следующий год
  8. Аватарка гостя
    Владельц Сайта
    18:42 25 Oct 23
    Жди когда жава обновится а потом бедрок !!! GIGACHAD
  9. Аватарка гостя
    18:34 25 Oct 23
    Сколько ещë ждать?
  10. Аватарка гостя
    18:15 25 Oct 23
    1. Аватарка гостя
      18:43 25 Oct 23
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