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Mod: More TNT 3

Mod: More TNT 3
04:58, 8 Jan 2021 45 280
More TNT mod will add to Minecraft PE more than 20 new types of dynamite, each of which will have its own unique explosive power and ability!

If you are bored with dynamite from the game itself, and you want to see even more similar blocks in the game, then you will definitely like this mod.

In editing the world, enable the experiment functions.

New blocks

TNT x2, x4, x8

These new types of dynamites have increased power.

Mod: More TNT 3




Bedrock buster

This dynamite is capable of destroying even bedrock!

Recipe for creation:


This TNT has a special ability to freeze nearby objects, and also freezes water into ice and lava into cobblestones.

Recipe for creation:


Dynamite has a special ability, thanks to which it destroys even more territory.

Recipe for creation:

Napalm (Napalm)

Napalm is the exact opposite of a cryoprobe, which means it will set everything on fire!

Recipe for creation:


C4 cannot be ignited with an ordinary flint, but it can be activated with a detonator, the range of which is 60x60x60 blocks and thanks to this you can detonate this explosive from a safe distance.

Recipe for creation:

Recipe for creating a detonator:

Nuclear bomb (Nuke)

A nuclear bomb is one of the most destructive bombs in addon.

Recipe for creation:

Hydrogen bomb

The hydrogen bomb is the most destructive bomb in this expansion! It is three times more destructive than a nuclear bomb, and even after the explosion it leaves a white nuclear cloud in the form of a mushroom. You will have 20 seconds to hide in a safe place.

Sticky bomb

This is a regular TNT, but it differs in that when triggered, this bomb sticks to the web.

Recipe for creation:

Tesla bomb

This is a powerful bomb capable of creating lightning. A devastating explosion sets fire to the territory.

Throwing objects

You can throw these bombs and after a while they will create an explosion! The throw is similar to throwing snowballs and other similar objects.

Caber (Caber): 3 capacities.

Recipe for creation:

Dynamite sticks (TNT sticks): power from 3 to 24.

Creation Recipes:

Frag grenade
  • Power: 5.
  • Does not destroy blocks.
  • Has particles from the explosion.

Recipe for creation:

Smoke grenade
  • Has no explosion.
  • Blinds objects within the blast radius.

Recipe for creation:

Stun grenade
  • Power: 1.
  • does not destroy blocks.
  • Freezes entities when exploding.

Recipe for creation:

Dynamite stick: 5 power.

Recipe for creation:

Tear gas
  • Has no explosion.
  • Nearby entities get blindness and nausea.

Universal bomb (Generic bomb): 5 power.

Recipe for creation:

  • Power: 2.
  • Spreads fire.

Recipe for creation:

Potassium charge
  • Power: 4.
  • explodes when wet (weather, water, etc.).

Phosphorus charge
  • Has no explosion.
  • Nearby entities receive blindness and damage.

Recipe for creation:

Singularity grenade
  • Does not destroy blocks.
  • Sucks in entities (including players).
  • Entities inside the hole die.

Recipe for creation:

Rocket launchers

You can use these rocket launchers as well as regular bows.

To recharge, place an empty rocket launcher in the grid to create a workbench with one of the missiles.

Using these items returns an empty rocket launcher item.
  • Rocket Launcher (Luft 3) [Launcher (Luft 3)]: power 3
  • Rocket Launcher (Luft 6) [Launcher (Luft 6)]: power 6
  • Rocket Launcher (Luft 12) [Launcher (Luft 12)]: power 12
  • Rocket Launcher (Luft 24) [Launcher (Luft 24)]: power 24

You can also post them!

Use the command '/give @s raigen:item_ground_more_tnt' to get a special item.

You can place this item anywhere.

Now use any item from this mod to place it on the ground!

Installing the More TNT mod (.mcaddon):

  • Download the mod file marked .mcaddon from the link below.
  • Just open the file and the game will install everything you need.
  • Launch Minecraft and go to edit the world.
  • Select Resource sets.
  • Find the texture pack and activate it.
  • Select Behavior packs.
  • Find the add-on and activate it.
  • The mod is installed, have a nice game!

Compatibility: Android / IOS / Windows 10 / Xbox One
Download mod More TNT (.mcaddon)
[1.87 Mb] downloads: 14544
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  1. Аватарка гостя
    23:29 7 Jun 21
    чтоб у вас всё работало , включите дополнительные возможности модинга
  2. Аватарка гостя
    19:49 30 May 21
    А почему когда я скачал у меня не работает. Подскажите как правильно настроить
    1. Аватарка гостя
      21:17 11 Jun 21
      сам хз
  3. Аватарка гостя
    12:01 13 Feb 21
    Мод ужасен. Комманды и крафты не работают. 0/10
    1. Аватарка гостя
      7:32 5 Jun 21
      У меня тоже
  4. Аватарка гостя
    15:40 1 Feb 21
    Вау спасибо за такой мод , я смог найти много древних осколков
  5. Аватарка гостя
    1:05 27 Jan 21
    Вау спасибо за такой мод , я смог найти много древних осколков
  6. Аватарка гостя
    10:43 15 Jan 21
    как скравтить рукетрую установку ???? я хочу играть по чесному
  7. Аватарка гостя
    8:46 10 Jan 21
    тнт можно ли только скрафтить*
  8. Аватарка гостя
    8:44 10 Jan 21
    их можно только скрафтить? И какую команду из статьи эту /give @s raigen:item_ground_more_tnt?
  9. Аватарка гостя
    0:41 10 Jan 21
    А нельзя ли сделать доступ к динамитным блокам без крафта, а как и ко всем предметам в креативе? И к водородной бомбе тоже, огорчило то, что не смог её опробовать
    1. Аватарка Admin
      5:26 10 Jan 21
      Вроде как игра не позволяет добавлять блоки в инвентарь творчества, пока что.

      Используйте команду из статьи для получения всех блоков сразу.
  10. Аватарка гостя
    Александр Сторожук
    18:10 8 Jan 21
    А как скрафтить водородную бомбу?
    1. Аватарка Admin
      18:22 8 Jan 21
      У файла с рецептом баг, из-за чего невозможно скрафтить её и поэтому не смог сделать скриншот.

      Также некоторые предметы и блоки не имеют крафта, либо в файлах ошибки, поэтому скриншоты могут отсутствовать.
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