Mod: CianoKakuna's Furnitures

02:43, 26 Sep 2021 11 956
Mod Cianokakuna's Furnishings adds new furniture that is based on entities, so some furniture blocks even have certain functionality. Another distinctive feature is that all the furniture has three-dimensional models, preserving the vanilla style of the game.
The mod works on the version Minecraft 1.17.30 and higher.
Living room




How to get furniture?
Blocks are available in the inventory of creativity, but if they are not displayed, then use the command /give @p cka: to get a block of furniture.
The mod works on the version Minecraft 1.17.30 and higher.
Living room
- Dragon Sofa
- Mini sofa with dragon
- TV in the form of a Wither
- TV in the form of a Guardian
- Lamp in the form of an Axolotl
- Phantom Table
- Bone Chair
- Wither Chair
- Vagrant Chair

- Shulker shower
- Shulker bathroom
- Shulker toilet bowl
- Shulker shell
- Blue Axolotl Lamp

- Caller's mailbox (can be opened)
- Witch Table
- Gaming Chair
- Cabinet
- Modern lamp
- Blue Table lamp
- Gaming laptop

- Locker (can be opened)
- Table
- Sink (can be opened)
- Oven (can be opened)

How to get furniture?
Blocks are available in the inventory of creativity, but if they are not displayed, then use the command /give @p cka: to get a block of furniture.
Compatibility: Android / IOS / Windows 10 / Xbox One
Download mod CianoKakuna's Furnitures (.mcpack)
[564.44 Kb] downloads: 2000
Download textures for mod CianoKakuna's Furnitures (.mcpack)
[1.2 Mb] downloads: 1424
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