Mod: Dragon Mounts 2

Updated beta version of Dragon Mounts 2! Almost a year has passed since the release of the first version of the addon Dragon Mounts for MCPE and it's time to update it beyond recognition! However, this update is only a beta version and does not contain all the dragons. Every next update will add a new dragon and many other interesting features, so stay tuned for news and updates of this mod! But still, despite the beta version, the addon adds a lot of new things, for example, a new dimension, a new dungeon and much more!
For the mod to work, you need to activate the Experimental functions!
A new dimension in the world of Minecraft, where you will meet new mobs, find new resources and feel the power of new bosses!
To get on the Air, you need to create a portal:

Next, place the portal as a regular block:

Then enter the portal and you will find yourself in a blue room with one button, click on it to move to the next room:

In the next room there will be 2 buttons: the first button with one plate, the second button with two plates.

First, click on the button where there is one plate, so the generation of Ether will begin. It will take approximately 30 seconds-1 minute to generate a new dimension. This button needs to be pressed only 1 time in your world.
After the time has elapsed, you can press the second button, which will take you to a new dimension of Ether!

Heavenly root wood (Skyroot)
Skyroot is a kind of tree. You can use the wood of the heavenly root, as well as any other wood (to make a workbench, sword, stick, etc.). The image of all the blocks from Skyroot:

Mobs on the Air
As mentioned earlier, you will find a large number of new mobs in this dimension.
Ethereal Phantoms
Ethereal phantoms are phantoms living in the Ether. They are much faster and stronger than ordinary Phantoms. They appear from golden trees and are most often found on golden islands.
A golden tree and a flock of ethereal phantoms flying over the golden island:

Winged cows and pigs
Flying cows and pigs are peaceful mobs that can be ridden by right-clicking with a saddle. Press spacebar to take off and shift to descend. They behave like Earth cows and pigs, except for riding. They appear everywhere on the Air.

There are 2 different variants of the Suite. These nasty creatures are similar to slugs, but they are weaker, but cause more damage. They cause nausea and throw balls of mucus. They appear everywhere on the Air.

Ethereal Creepers
Ethereal Creepers are faster than ordinary Creepers, their explosions are much more powerful and faster. However, their health is not as great as that of vanilla Creepers. They appear in the darkest parts of the Ether.

Lightning birds
The lightning Bird is a dangerous bird that appears only in the Labyrinth of the Minotaur. A small amount of health, but a strong lightning strike.

In addition to hostile mobs, there are also 2 powerful bosses on the Air - an Ethereal Dragon and a Minotaur.
Ethereal dragon
An Ethereal dragon is a powerful dragon that appears in the Ether. It has the same characteristics as the Ender Dragon, except only the attack, the Ethereal Dragon spews flames. You can summon it by right-clicking on the crystal at the highest point of the Ether. After defeating the dragon, the loot from the dungeons drops out of it, a bunch of ethereal dragon scales and an ethereal dragon egg.

The Minotaur is a boss that can only be found in the room with the boss of the Minotaur Maze. To get into the Maze, you need to get to the Minotaur Temple, which is a quartz temple in the Ether. Jump into the temple and you will find yourself in a dark room. There is a scroll there, and by right-clicking it will tell you some information about the Maze.

The maze is very confusing, it has a lot of traps and mobs that can kill you. In addition, you will come across chests with useful and rare resources. The entrance to the boss room is a wall of lava, and if you go through it, you will get into the boss room. However, there are also fake entrances, and these fake entrances can kill you.

To summon a Minotaur, just right-click the Minotaur's head in the boss room. The Minotaur deals 15 units. damage from the attack and throws you back. After death, you have to right-click on the dead body. A lot of loot falls from it, including a really powerful axe and an ethereal dragon egg. NOTE, the texture of the axe on the ground is invisible.

The End measurement has also undergone some changes.
Ebder Dragon
Ender Dragon has been redesigned to match the Dragon Mounts 2 models! Now it can also be created! The Ender Dragon sheds the dragon scales.

In the updated version of the mod, 2 new dragons for the Nether were added to the game - the Dragon of the Nether and the Magma Dropper.
Dragon of the Underworld
The Dragon of the Nether World is a powerful boss who breathes an extremely strong fire called Hellfire. This is the second most powerful fire attack in the game. Hellfire deals 20 points of damage.

Magma dropper
The Magma Dropper is an extremely powerful ancient dragon. Legend has it that this was the original king of Nether. Its scientific name is Rex Inferos. His attacks are the strongest fire attacks in the game. This dragon has many different attacks. The first and most powerful attack is fire breath, which deals 40 points of damage. The dragon can also cause spikes that will break out of the ground and cause damage. The third attack is a melee attack that will deal 30 points of damage when hit. The fourth type of attack is to summon annoying pieces of magma that can easily kill you. The dragon has 400 health units.
If you want to get a magma Dropper as a pet, then you will have to feed him a ton of magma blocks. Then, when hearts appear around him and he stops attacking you, he needs to be fed Lava cream.

Tools, armor, dragons and items
In this version of the mod, only 2 dragons and a few useful items are available so far!
Dragon egg
You can get a dragon egg after killing dragons. After you take possession of the egg, just place it on the ground and right-click, in 20 seconds a baby dragon will hatch from there, which can be tamed with salmon.

All dragons hatched from eggs or spawned with the help of a taming egg can be tamed by salmon, and they can be flown. Equip them with a saddle to control them. Press the space bar to take off and release the space bar to descend. Dragons can also be equipped with dragon armor. There is both a female and a male, which can be bred with the help of salmon, so they will lay eggs.
Ender dragons:
Ender Dragons are the basic type of dragons. Tamed male and female Ender Dragon:

Ethereal Dragons:
Ethereal dragons are fast flyers. They fly faster than most dragons. They attack with fiery breath.
Tamed female and sleeping male Ethereal Dragon:

Dragon armor
Dragon armor can be worn on dragons.

Dragon whistle
The dragon whistle can be used while riding a dragon by long-pressing or right-clicking.

Dragon scissors
Dragon scissors can be used to extract scales from dragons.

Last update: v1.0.6 (April 22, 2021)
What's new?
- Added 2 new dragons for the Underworld.