
18:06, 18 Oct 2023 30 613
The new version of the Minecraft Beta and Preview This update adds a new block to the game, fixes some bugs and makes technical changes.
Added the Crafter block to the Minecraft, available in experiments.
- Crafter can be crafted with Redstone Dust, Iron Ingots, Crafting Table, and Dropper
- Crafter uses distinct particles when crafting
- Crafter has distinct sounds for crafting and failing
- Crafter has a blast resistance of 3.5
- A Comparator connected to a Crafter now outputs a signal that is equal to the amount of non-empty slots plus disabled slots
- Moving items into crafter from Hopper or Dropper distributes them evenly instead of first filling the first stack
- Powering the Crafter with Redstone signal makes it craft and output the item
- Inverted the direction in which Decorated Pots wobble when unsuccessfully interacted with
- Horizontal End Rod hitboxes are now rotated correctly
- Mobs that grow up to be adults and are too large to fit inside Boats will now jump out
«Download» implies the possibility of switching to Google Play or another service. You will need a purchased game license to install the update.
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