
18:45, 7 Sep 2023 33 579
In the new update of the Minecraft Beta and Preview, trading with Armorer has been reworked, various changes and bug fixes have been made. Details are below and on the developers' website.
- Cartographer
- Sells 7 new maps
- Each map points to a village or structure
- Map can be used for biome search
- Armorer
- Buying diamond armor now requires paying a small amount of Diamonds and Emeralds
- Most master-level Armorers buy Iron Blocks (and pay very well for them)
- Chainmail armor is exclusively sold by the secret Jungle and Swamp Armorers
- The Savanna Armorer sells cursed diamond armor at reduced prices
- The Taiga Armorer can swap one piece of diamond armor for another
- Structure Loot
- Certain Enchanted Books now have a high chance of generating in some structures
- Ancient Cities: Mending
- Mineshafts: Efficiency (I to V)
- Pillager Outposts: Quick Charge (I to III)
- Desert Temples: Unbreaking (I to III)
- Jungle Temples: Unbreaking (I to III)
- Zombie Villager curing time is now randomized between 3 and 5 minutes
- Updated the sound that’s played when Wither Skeleton Skulls are placed on top of Note Blocks
- Changes to Bottles
- Bottles now emit sounds when filling from Water Blocks
- Pouring water or potions from a Glass Bottle into a Cauldron emits the appropriate sound
- Filling a Glass Bottle with Water or Potion from a Cauldron now emits the appropriate sound
- Drinking from a Glass Bottle now emits the appropriate sound
- Stray Cats now play a sound when begging for food
- Wither Skeletons now have their own unique sounds
- The sound for picking up items is now played when using the ‘/give’ command
- Changed the default value of the Respawn Radius in the Advanced Settings to 10
- Closing the inventory of Boat, Raft, or Minecart with Chest now emits vibrations
- Equipped enchanted armor now has an overall weaker glint, however its intensity more noticeably increases and decreases over time
- Sculk Block no longer drops XP when mined with Silk Touch
- Item names no longer overlaps with the absorption health bar
- Item names no longer overlaps with the mount health bar
- Item names no longer overlaps with the oxygen bar
- Fox can now pick up items that can be equipped
- Guardians and Elder Guardians make flopping sounds again when on land
- Falling from a great height while in a Boat no longer deals fall damage
- Rabbits can once again eat partially and fully grown Carrot crops
- Players can no longer sometimes clip through blocks when gliding with Elytra into blocks
- Fixed an issue where moving slowly on Soul Sand would sometimes cause the player to not receive the Soul Speed movement speed
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