
19:10, 15 Feb 2023 86 869
Together with a new snapshot for Minecraft: Java Edition, developers have published a Minecraft Beta and Preview The update brings a lot of new content to the game — Archeology, Sniffer, Pots, fixes bugs!
Beta update for Android devices is delayed!

The winner of the Minecraft Live 2022 mob vote is officially coming to the game. Meet the Sniffer!

Beta update for Android devices is delayed!

- Added the Brush item
- Added the Decorated Pot block
- Added four Pottery Shards
- Arms Up
- Skull
- Prize
- Archer
- Arms Up
- Added the Suspicious Sand block
- Added Suspicious Sand to the Desert Temple
- Added Suspicious Sand to the Desert Well

Suspicious Sand
- It is found in a Deserted temple and wells
- Hard to find and easy to break
- Can be cleaned with a Brush
- Cleaning brings a variety of valuable items
- Can be used to clean Suspicious sand

Pottery Shards
- Available in four variants
- There are drawings on the shards
- You can't craft, but you can find

Decorated Pots
- It is crafted from four Pottery Shards
- The Pottery Shards have pictures on them, they cannot be crated, but can be found in Suspicious sand
- Instead of shards, you can use Bricks, but the pot will be without a picture

The winner of the Minecraft Live 2022 mob vote is officially coming to the game. Meet the Sniffer!
- Sniffers cannot be tempted or tamed
- Sniffers are passive friendly mobs
- Sniffer sniffs in the air and occasionally dig for seeds
- The Torchflower seed can be planted on farmland and grows into a flower
- The seed can be used to breed two Sniffers
- The full-grown flower can be harvested and replanted but can also be crafted into a dye

- Sounds from all Button types and Lever are now controlled by "Blocks" slider in Audio Settings
- Ghasts sound volume will now fade the further they are from the player

- Fixed a bug where an Allay holding a Lead wasn't able to be leashed unless the player held a full stack of 64 Leads in hand
- Fixed a bug where Hoppers would not pull in items after being unpowered from Redstone
- The loading screen no longer flickers when entering the Nether in immersive VR mode
- Fixed loaded Crossbow staying loaded after shooting

«Download» implies the possibility of switching to Google Play or another service. You will need a purchased game license to install the update.
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