Minecraft PE

19:18, 4 Nov 2021 100 470
On Wednesday, the developers missed the release of a new beta, but this Thursday they published Minecraft Beta The update fixes a number of bugs and makes some improvements.

Fixed bugs
- Fixed empty chunks in old worlds
- Fixed a bug with the playback of tracks in the Player
- Fixed transparency of foliage when it was surrounded by other blocks
- Fixed a bug that caused the shield to lock in the left hand
- Fixed a bug with some worlds from the market when the player appeared elsewhere
- Double chests are no longer shared
- Red Dragon removed
- Herobrine health increased to 999999

- Cold biomes no longer create ice columns below zero height
- Azalea trees are no longer generated underwater
- Azalea trees can now be generated in shallow water
- Roots are no longer generated without azalea
- Dropper columns are no longer generated on the surface
Vanilla parity
- The biome of the Deep Warm Ocean has been removed
Android only
- API version temporarily 30 to API 29
- Player files with external storage will be moved to a new storage location when the game starts due to Google requirements
- If you want to delete the game and do not check the box to save files, then all your worlds will be deleted. Check the box to avoid losing them

«Download» implies the possibility of switching to Google Play or another service. You will need a purchased game license to install the update.
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