Map: A Hero's Journey

Creator: Джафар Исмагулов (Вконтакте)
16:13, 13 Mar 2017 21 593
A Hero's Journey map consists of several challenges that you have to pass in Minecraft Pocket Edition. It all starts with a small but rather difficult parkour, and ends with a boss fight!
The entire map works thanks to the command blocks that were added to MCPE 1.0.5. So don't forget to update
You will appear in a small room where you can read the rules of the map. Go to the purple blocks to start the game.

The entire map works thanks to the command blocks that were added to MCPE 1.0.5. So don't forget to update

You will appear in a small room where you can read the rules of the map. Go to the purple blocks to start the game.

Installing the Hero's Path map (.zip):
- Download the archive with the map from the link below.
- Extract the map from the archive in /games/com.mojang/minecraftWorlds/.
- Launch Minecraft Pocket Edition and find the map in the list of worlds.
- Launch the map and enjoy its passage!
Last version: для [MCPE 1.0.5+]
Compatibility: Android / IOS / Windows 10 / Xbox One
Download map A Hero's Journey (.zip)
[154.25 Kb] downloads: 44198
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