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Mod: bum_Crops

Mod: bum_Crops
01:35, 4 May 2022 (updated on: 11:50, 2 Nov 2024) 47 873

Farming is one of the favorite activities of players in Minecraft. Unfortunately, in a normal game there is not much choice for growing a vegetable garden. Now there is a mod bum_Crops for this, adding a lot of new vegetables, fruits and berries!

In editing the world, enable the Experimental features for the mod to work correctly.

Enabling the bum_Crops mod

In this supplement, 14 types of new crops have been added. You can get them in survival and creativity mode. They work the same way as vanilla crops. First you plant the seeds, wait for a while and get the harvest. Bone meal can be used to accelerate growth.

Vegetable garden from the new harvest
New seeds in the inventory
New food in the inventory
Player and harvest


  • 5 stages of growth
  • It is grown from Asparagus seeds
  • You can only plant it on sand
  • It can be cooked in an oven or a smokehouse
  • You can eat

Asparagus in Minecraft


  • 7 stages of growth
  • It grows up to two blocks high
  • It is grown from Corn seeds
  • It can only be planted on a bed, ground or podzol
  • It can be cooked in an oven or a smokehouse
  • Ideal diet food

Corn in Minecraft


  • 6 stages of growth
  • It is grown from Grape seeds
  • It can only be planted on a bed, ground or podzol
  • Used to create wine and jam

Grapes in Minecraft


  • 5 stages of growth
  • It is grown from Hops seeds
  • You can only plant on a bed or on the ground
  • Used to create ale

Growing hops in the garden


  • 5 stages of growth
  • It is grown from Pepper seeds
  • It can only be planted on a bed, ground or podzol
  • Used to create chili

Pepper grows in the garden


  • 3 stages of growth
  • It is grown from Pineapple seeds
  • It can only be planted on a bed, ground or podzol
  • Used to create pineapple jam


Red cabbage

  • 5 stages of growth
  • It is grown from the Red Cabbage Seeds
  • You can only plant on a bed or on the ground
  • Used to create stewed cabbage

Red cabbage


  • 3 stages of growth
  • It is grown from Rhubarb seeds
  • You can only plant it on sand
  • Used to create rhubarb pie

Rhubarb in the game


  • 3 stages of growth
  • Grown from Other Shrooms
  • It can only be planted on mycelium or podzol
  • Strengthen the jump, give a slow fall and nausea
  • Sometimes growing also yields yeast

New mushrooms


  • 4 stages of growth
  • It is grown from Strawberry seeds
  • It can only be planted on a bed, ground or podzol
  • Used to create strawberry jam

Strawberries in the garden


  • 5 stages of growth
  • It is grown from Tomato seeds
  • You can only plant on a bed or on the ground
  • You can't eat tomatoes, but you can throw them!

Red tomato


  • 5 stages of growth
  • Grown from Turnip Seeds
  • You can only plant on a bed or on the ground
  • It can be cooked in an oven or a smokehouse



  • 5 stages of growth
  • It is grown from Zucchini Seeds
  • It can only be planted on a bed, ground or podzol
  • The main ingredient for making zucchini bread

Zucchini in Minecraft


  • Can be found in the world
  • Seedlings can be used to grow new cherry trees
  • Seedlings can be purchased from a Harvest Merchant

Cherry tree

New items

Use the recipe book to learn recipes for new food.

New grocery items

Harvest Merchant

  • Most seeds and items can be purchased from a Harvest Merchant
  • Carries only five items at a time
  • Appears wherever animals appear

Harvest Merchant and seeds

If you are not satisfied with the exchange items, then you can look for another merchant with more favorable offers.

Trading interface

Also, some new structures will be generated in the world. For example, you can find a small farm hut with several new crops planted outside.

Creating ale

There are 27 types of ale available. Each has its own properties and effects. This process is quite complicated, so you will have to be patient.

New ale in Minecraft

First, create sugar water.

Sugar water

Put sugar water and yeast in the cooking rack to get activated yeast.

Sometimes yeast falls out when picking mushrooms. They can also be created from bottled water and wheat in the cooking rack.

Creating activated yeast

Now with activated yeast you can create ale.

Activated yeast

Put the activated yeast in the lower slot of the cooking rack, and put one of the following items in the upper one:

  • Hops — if you create ale
  • Grapes — if you create wine
  • Honey combs — if you create a mead

For example, using hops, you will get Wort Base.

Hops and yeast
Ale base

From the barrel, create a Wooden Keg in the workbench. In it you can create ale, wine or mead yourself.

Different recipes have different properties and effects of drinks.

Craft ale

Supported versions
24 comment
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  1. Аватарка гостя
    15:31 9 May 22
    Разработчикам бы не мешало создать мод на голод и жажду при мирном режиме выживания, а то так неинтересно играть, слишком читерно получается что выживаешь и ты можешь даже не вести огород, ну если можанг додумаеться добавить в игру голод в мирном режиме выживания, тогда мод можно не делать. Кстати ещё бы не мешало создать мод на поезда и крейт на андроид-версию игры. Я думаю Вы поняли меня.
    1. Аватарка гостя
      19:45 31 Mar 23
      Они не разработчики. Они мод перенесли на сайт что бы его можно было скачать.
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