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Mod: Mechs and Jetpacks

Mod: Mechs and Jetpacks
02:20, 9 Jan 2021 67 059
What do have in commonMechanical robots and a Jetpack? Let's figure it out with you! With their help, you can move quickly, they can be controlled, and most importantly, they bring a lot of fun!

All this will be available in your world by installing the mod Mechs and Jetpacks for Minecraft PE (Bedrock). In addition, Mechs and Jetpacks will be available to you: A robot driller, a manual machine gun, a Mechanical robot with a machine gun and a Jetpack Jetpack.

For the mod to work, you need to activate Experimental gameplay.

Mechanical robot with a machine gun (Mech)
  • A huge supply of health
  • Powerful and high jump
  • A hand-held machine gun on the roof
  • Runs and swims very fast
  • Repaired with Red dust or Iron ingots

Mod: Mechs and Jetpacks

On In a mechanical robot , you can quickly move around the map and destroy enemy mobs with a hand-held machine gun, which is mounted on top of the robot.

Robot Driller (Mech Miner)
  • Has less health than Mechanical robot
  • Relatively slow
  • Has night vision and breathing underwater
  • Repaired with Red dust or Iron ingots

The robot driller passes through all obstacles and can destroy almost every block in the game, perfect for quick extraction of resources and destruction of enemy bases.

Hand machine gun (Minigun)

A hand-held machine gun is perfect for protecting your buildings from enemy mobs from various mods and other unexpected guests. By installing A light machine gun near a standing Mechanical robot , they combine into one robot with two machine guns. You won't be able to control this robot anymore!

Jetpack Jetpack

Jetpack with jet engines that allows players to fly.

The controls are as simple as possible and do not require hours of training to learn how to fly. To fly up - look up, to land - look down, everything is as simple and convenient as possible!

Have a nice game! Don't forget to share your impressions of the Mechs and Jetpacks mod in the comments.

Last update: V9 (January 8, 2021)
What's new?
  • A few minor fixes and minor changes (a new hidden texture of the jetpack; several new sounds; added blocks in the mechanism of the Robot Driller).

Installing the Mechs and Jetpacks mod (.mcaddon):

  • Download the mod file marked .mcaddon from the link below.
  • Just open the file (via ES Explorer on Android) and the game will install everything you need by itself.
  • Launch Minecraft and go to edit the world.
  • Select Resource packs.
  • Find the texture pack and activate it.
  • Select Behavior packs.
  • Find the add-on and activate it.
  • The mod is installed, have a nice game!

Last version: V9
Compatibility: Android / IOS / Windows 10 / Xbox One
Download mod Mechs and Jetpacks V9 (.mcaddon)
[848.85 Kb] downloads: 7833

Supported versions
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  1. Аватарка гостя
    16:49 4 May 20
    Как копать с роботом бурильщиком?
    1. Аватарка гостя
      9:42 11 Aug 20
      Просто иди на блоки
  2. Аватарка гостя
    15:35 25 Apr 20
    У меня есть вопрос как крафтить их?
    И если нет красота добавьте его пожалуйста!
  3. Аватарка гостя
    11:15 2 Apr 20
    Добавьте пожалуйсто мод на Форд Ранчер , но можно и другие машины
  4. Аватарка гостя
    18:43 1 Apr 20
    Какая версия майна нужна?
    1. Аватарка гостя
      Андрей Глущук
      13:14 19 Apr 20
      1.13 или больше
  5. Аватарка гостя
    Твоя мама
    13:36 1 Apr 20
    А как крафтить
    1. Аватарка гостя
      Дария 21 годик
      13:45 14 Apr 20
      Не знаю
    2. Аватарка гостя
      7:28 1 Aug 20
      Ни как
  6. Аватарка гостя
    Твоя мама
    13:36 1 Apr 20
    Акак крафтить
    1. Аватарка гостя
      7:28 1 Aug 20
      Нельзя крафтить
  7. Аватарка гостя
    Скажите пожалуйста
    18:34 31 Mar 20
    А экспериментальный игравой працес нужен
    1. Аватарка гостя
      7:43 2 Apr 20
      Обязательно нужен, на любые моды или аддоны нужно включать эксперементальный игровой процесс, иначе эти дополнения работать не будут
  8. Аватарка гостя
    Скажите пожалуйста
    18:33 31 Mar 20
    А Нада экспериментальный игравой працес
    1. Аватарка гостя
      7:28 1 Aug 20
  9. Аватарка гостя
    17:47 31 Mar 20
  10. Аватарка гостя
    15:41 31 Mar 20
    Мод отличный
    ставлю 5 минусов нет
    1. Аватарка гостя
      Акылбек Амен
      17:43 2 Apr 20
      Можешь сказать как их скрафтит
      1. Аватарка гостя
        7:28 1 Aug 20
        Невозможно их крафтить
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