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Mod: Weird TNT

Mod: Weird TNT
20:49, 12 Sep 2021 17 519
Only one TNT is available in Minecraft, but what happens if you diversify the game with new types of TNT? With mod Weird TNT you will be able to access new and diverse TNT blocks, some of which are very strange.

For the mod to work correctly, turn on Holiday creator features.

Getting TNT

To get new TNT blocks, you can use the command /function tnts.

Function for getting blocks from the mod

Also, to get a specific TNT, you can use the command /give @s vc:name.

TNT give command

Artillery table

This table is used to create new types of TNT. It is created from a workbench and vanilla TNT.

Artillery table in Minecraft

Fake Grass
  • Explosion time: 0 seconds
  • Explosion force: 4
  • Explodes when attacked or set on fire
  • Crafting: TNT and mud block

Fake TNT grass

Fart TNT
  • Explosion time: 178 seconds
  • Explosion force: 10
  • After the explosion, it creates a smelly cloud that poisons all mobs nearby. Click on the source to delete the cloud.
  • Crafting: TNT and Dragon's breath

Farting TNT

Laser Light TNT
  • Explosion time: 0 seconds
  • Explosion force: 4
  • After activation, a beautiful laser show with interesting music begins. At the end of the music explodes.
  • Crafting: 4 blocks of TNT and a star of the Underworld

Laser Light TNT animation

  • Explosion time: 9 seconds
  • Explosion force: 20
  • Creates a large mushroom cloud
  • Crafting: 4 TNT

TNT nuke bomb

Random TNT
  • Explosion time: 4 seconds
  • Explosion force: 1-5
  • When exploding, it destroys a random area from 1 to 5 blocks
  • Crafting: missing

Random TNT

Running TNT
  • Explosion time: 4 seconds
  • Explosion force: 4
  • Looks like a normal TNT, then after activation it starts running. Be careful activating it near your home.
  • Crafting: TNT and stick

Running TNT

Sonic TNT
  • Explosion time: 4 seconds
  • Explosion force: 4
  • Destroys any glass near the explosion and makes a loud sound
  • Craft: TNT and musical block

Sound TNT

Sticky TNT
  • Explosion time: 4 seconds
  • Explosion force: 4
  • When activated, it does not fall
  • Craft: TNT and a bottle of honey

Sticky TNT

Throwable TNT
  • Explosion time: 4 seconds
  • Explosion force: 4
  • This type of TNT can be thrown
  • Crafting: TNT and snowball

Throwing TNT

Teleporting TNT
  • Explosion time: 4 seconds
  • Explosion force: 4
  • When activated, it is teleported to a random location
  • Crafting: TNT and Pearl Edges

TNT Teleporting

TNT Villager
  • Explosion time: 4 seconds
  • After the explosion creates villagers
  • Crafting: TNT and emerald

Villager TNT

Yeet TNT
  • Explosion time: 4 seconds
  • Explosion power: 4
  • When exploding, it drops enemies by 10-15 blocks
  • Crafting: TNT and fireworks

Throwing TNT yeet

Compatibility: Android / IOS / Windows 10 / Xbox One
Download mod Weird TNT (.mcaddon)
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  1. Аватарка гостя
    9:52 13 Jan 24
    Но когда взорвал nuke то ето 0001fpsWAAWAA
    1. Аватарка гостя
      9:54 13 Jan 24
      Согл, был бабах
      1. Аватарка гостя
        12:23 25 Jan 24
        Знатно бабахнуло)))
        1. Аватарка гостя
          12:24 25 Jan 24
          но я не прочувствовал: комп слишком мощный!
  2. Аватарка гостя
    9:50 13 Jan 24
    Мод рабочий и очень классный кароч ТОПMODSratJAM
  3. Аватарка гостя
    19:49 12 Jan 24
    TOOOP MOD popCatpopCatpopCat
  4. Аватарка гостя
    19:48 12 Jan 24
    И ещё кто уже послушал трек 2 ляма? WAWA
  5. Аватарка гостя
    19:47 12 Jan 24
    Мод ТОООП рекомендую Amogus
  6. Аватарка гостя
    19:12 9 Feb 23
    Мод рабочий
  7. Аватарка гостя
    20:37 13 Jan 22
    Также кушает динамит
  8. Аватарка гостя
    20:36 13 Jan 22
    Мод ванючий и не работает
  9. Аватарка гостя
    19:55 23 Dec 21
    Мод не работает
  10. Аватарка гостя
    22:34 16 Sep 21
    Мод не рабочий!
    1. Аватарка гостя
      кто-то по имени максим
      23:06 16 Sep 21
      включи эксперименты.
      1. Аватарка гостя
        11:59 26 Jan 25
        Вот эксперименты нужно включать
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