ModsCraft » Mods » Mod: Enderite

Mod: Enderite

Mod: Enderite
15:45, 14 Dec 2021 50 919
Don't you think that the dimension End in Minecraft is too empty and there are few interesting things available in it that could be explored and used for survival? Mod Enderite was created to fix this problem and add a lot of new things to the End — new structures, blocks, items, mobs and much more!

In editing the world, enable all experiment functions.

Mod: Enderite

This mod has four options for settings: for players with budget devices or for powerful devices!

By default, the maximum possible generation is used, but you can configure

Use the slider to change the generation settings.

Create an End portal and get into the dimension to see all the new features!

Here are some screenshots from the new End generation:

Average amount of vegetation:

Low amount of vegetation:

Disabled vegetation:

And here is a screenshot of some new blocks, but at the moment they do not have recipes.

Smooth End Stone:

Stone End Pylon

End Stone

End Mosaic:

Carved End stone:

Cubic End stone:

Cracked End Stone:

Enderite fruit:

Purple Brick Ends:

Stone End Pylon

Stone End Pylon

Stone End Pylon

Stone End Pylon

Stone End Pylon

End Farms (End Farmland) are used for End seeds, which can be obtained from the Mud of the End.

The new crop yields wheat, from which the Bread of the Region can be made. Eat it to get the night vision effect.

The logs of the End can be cut with an axe!


Hewn wood:

End Boards:

Creepers Ends:

End Bushes:

End Colors:

From this plant, you can create a blindness potion.

Na'vi Plant:

Right-click on this plant (long tap) to get a new fruit.

Use this fruit to create a levitation potion.

You can make soup from mushrooms and every time you eat, random effects will be applied to you.

Wooden Axe End:

Wooden Pickaxe End:

Wooden End Sword:

Wooden Shovel End:

Wooden Hoe End:

All new items:

In the Region, you can meet new cows, from which new beef falls out.

This is a passive mob that loves the wheat of the End very much and gives a special milk from which you can create a Cake of the End!

Every piece of this cake will put useful effects on you!

You will be able to meet new Zombies of the End in the End! These monsters have 40 health points and are neutral to the players, but if you attack them, they will start attacking back. Many experience falls from the Zombie End, spoiled rotten flesh and sometimes equipped equipment.

The End Blaze is stronger than the normal version and has 40 health units. His shots are much more deadly than ordinary fire. These monsters drop a lot of experience, End sticks and fire rods.

Underground, and sometimes on the surface, you can find bone fossils.

Enderite Battle Axe — use the right mouse button (long tap) to activate damage of 40 units!

Enderite apple:

Enchanted enderite apple:

New ore will be generated in the Region.

You can melt it in the oven to get an enderite ingot.

The enderite block:

Enderite ingot:

Stick End:

Enderite Sword:

Enderite Pickaxe:

Enderite Axe:

Enderite Shovel:

Enderite Hoe:

The Enderite Helmet:
  • Protection: 4
  • Drop resistance: 0.1

Enderite Chestplate:
  • Protection: 8
  • Drop resistance: 1

Enderite Leggings
  • Drop resistance: 1

Enderite Boots:
  • Protection: 4
  • Drop resistance: 0.1

Enderite armor

Known bugs

The mod sometimes leads to the crash of the game due to the long range of drawing. It is recommended to set the value to 16 chunks or less.

After leaving the world, vegetation may stop being generated. This can be fixed by reloading the Behavior Pack or by selecting from max to off and back from off to max in the behavior set settings.

Last update: v1.7 (December 14, 2021)
What's new?
  • Added support for Minecraft 1.18

Supported versions
reload, if the code cannot be seen
  1. Аватарка гостя
    Биб боб
    18:11 7 Jun 22
    Hi. А чё все пишут в крае, если в краю?!
  2. Аватарка гостя
    17:08 5 May 22
    авторы пожалуйста добавьте смысл метеориту у меня его полный сундук.
  3. Аватарка гостя
    15:26 1 Feb 22
    Жалко что из убрали дополнительные возможности моддинга
  4. Аватарка гостя
    14:49 14 Aug 21
    А этот мод работает?
    ато мне ссыково скачивать мод который весит кгбайты?
  5. Аватарка гостя
    12:02 8 Aug 21
    Роботаєт на
    1. Аватарка гостя
      10:46 8 Mar 22
      Хватит врать ты что он на все ЛЮБЫЕ ВЕРСИЙ РАБОТАЕТ!!! ?
  6. Аватарка гостя
    Снайпер 64
    16:12 2 Jul 21
    Хергя какая-то... Ничего не работает.
    1. Аватарка гостя
      17:13 7 Jul 21
      Значит ты неправильно сделал
  7. Аватарка гостя
    10:01 21 Jun 21
    ГДЕ ГОЛУБЫЕ ГРИБЫ И ИЗУМРУД КРАЯ БЛОКИ И ТОРГОВЕЦ КРАЯ????????????????? пожалуйста добывай мне очень нравится пурпурный биом с синим травой края
    1. Аватарка гостя
      Bit kit
      9:56 24 Jun 21
      Чел этоидругие ты чото попутал
    2. Аватарка гостя
      Крутой парень.
      19:49 27 Jul 21
      Это другой мод.
    3. Аватарка гостя
      10:40 10 Jun 22
      а что не так
  8. Аватарка гостя
    20:51 23 Feb 21
    Вау мод очень крутой мне понравилось было бы смешно если в 1.18 сделали обнову энда
    1. Аватарка гостя
      8:41 11 Aug 21
      Обнова Энда должна быть 1.19 версия
      1. Аватарка гостя
        Из будущего
        19:13 24 Oct 21
        Эх... А если он был бы прав...
      2. Аватарка гостя
        19:09 24 Jun 22
        Эм это дикое обновление
  9. Аватарка гостя
    13:41 18 Feb 21
    А в с помощью кода делали, или с помощью чего?
    1. Аватарка гостя
      13:41 18 Feb 21
      Ну мод
  10. Аватарка гостя
    4:38 17 Feb 21
    Просто отдельный респект и уважуха!
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