ModsCraft » Mods » Mod: Rock Stars 0.15.6/0.15.4/0.15.3/0.14.3

Mod: Rock Stars 0.15.6/0.15.4/0.15.3/0.14.3

Mod: Rock Stars 0.15.6/0.15.4/0.15.3/0.14.3
19:55, 11 Aug 2016 20 393
Have you always wanted to become a rock star, or do you just love cool music and would like to be able to experiment with it in Minecraft Pocket Edition? Then this mod is absolutely for you! He adds a drum kit, two guitars and one bass to the game. All instruments are fully played as in real life. This is incredibly cool!


Place the reels on any block, then click on the chair to sit down!
  • Drums [Drums] (id - 1999) – 3 oak wood + 3 iron bars + 2 gold bars
  • Sticks [Stick] (id - 280) - 2 wooden boards

You will need at least 1 stick to play the drums. Sitting at the drum kit, you will have a new graphical interface.

To start playing, just click on the graphical interface, depending on which reel you want to hit.

Electric guitar

No rock band is complete without a guitarist. There are as many as two guitars in addon with different sounds in sound.

It's pretty easy to play it. Pick up the guitar and press the buttons on the right side of the screen.
  • Kurt Cobain's Guitar [Kurt Cobain's Guitar] (id - 2000) - 1 block of oak boards + 1 stick + 1 blue dye + 1 oak wood + 1 red rose
  • Eddie Vedder's Guitar (id - 2001) - 1 block of wooden boards + 1 stick + 1 bone meal + 1 oak wood + 1 ink bag


The bass keeps a solid rhythm in the songs. It is used similarly to a guitar, but its sound is very different.
  • Gene Simon's Bass (2002) – 1 oak board + 1 stick + 1 ink bag + 1 iron Ingot + 1 oak wood

Rock bands

Arrange a real rock concert with one of the most popular bands in the history of rock and roll! The following bands are currently available: The Beatles, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, KISS and Pistols.

Place the drums on the ground, and then create the band members using a CD. Hold your finger for a long time on one of the band members to select the song you want to play.

  • Empty disk (id - 2003) – 8 coals
  • Drum set () – 3 oak + 3 iron bars + 2 gold bars
  • Guitar () – 1 oak board + 1 stick + 3 oaks
  • Bass () – 1 oak board + 1 stick+ 3 oaks
  • Nirvana CD (2004) – 1 blank disc + 2 guitars + 1 drum kit + 1 bass + 2 music blocks + 2 mossy cobblestones
  • Pearl Jam CD (2005) – 1 blank disc + 2 guitars + 1 drum kit + 1 bass + 2 music blocks + 2 sand blocks
  • KISS CD (2006) – 1 blank disc + 2 guitars + 1 drum kit + 1 bass + 2 musical blocks + 2 iron blocks
  • The Beatles CD (2007) – 1 blank disc + 2 guitars + 1 drum kit + 1 bass + 2 music blocks + 2 oak wood planks
  • Sex Pistols CD (2008) – 1 blank disc + 2 guitars + 1 drum kit + 1 bass+ 2 music blocks + 2 glass blocks

Installing the Rock Stars mod:

  • Download the archive with the mod from the link below and unpack it.
  • Open BlockLauncher and go to settings
  • Select the ModPE script section and click on Add.
  • Find the script file and click on it to install.
  • The mod is installed, have a nice game!

Last version: v2 для [0.15.x]
Compatibility: Android / IOS / Windows 10 / Xbox One
Download mod Rock Stars (.zip)
[94.15 Mb] downloads: 4939

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NPC / Mobs
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  1. Аватарка гостя
    Кто то
    2:36 14 Jul 24
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