
11:25, 6 Oct 2023 106 027
A new full version of Minecraft has been released! The update fixes 4 unpleasant bugs, the game began to work better.
Known Issue
- You may experience a crash when a player dies while playing splitscreen multiplayer on PlayStation with the Immediate Respawn game rule enabled. This will be resolved in an upcoming update.
- Fixed “§” text modifiers overwriting text when next to a line break on iOS
- Fixed an issue that caused the keyboard to become unresponsive when placing multiple Signs successively
- Buttons and some other non-full blocks once again prevent Spiders and other mobs from spawning on them and on adjacent blocks
- Fixed purchased content not transferring to a Microsoft account when logging in for the first time
«Download» implies the possibility of switching to Google Play or another service. You will need a purchased game license to install the update.
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