Minecraft [Beta]
![Minecraft [Beta]](/uploads/posts/2022-03/1646336843_minecraft-1-18-30-20-beta-us.jpg)
23:11, 3 Mar 2022 72 528
The developers have released a new beta version Minecraft and Minecraft Preview A lot of bugs have been fixed, and more changes have been made for parity with the Java Edition, preparations are underway for launch 1.19.

Experimental Features
- Implemented Shrieker tweaks in preparation for the Warden, which will be added at a later date!
- Sculk Shrieker now listens to Sculk Sensor tendril clicking
- The threat level which will cause the Warden to spawn in the future now decreases over time
Non-Experimental Features and Bug Fixes
- Fixed several crashes that could occur during gameplay
- Fixed possible crashes on Android when suspending or resuming the app
- Vertical field of view is no longer halved in horizontal split screen, making items such as Book & Quill easier to view when playing in split screen
- Tweaked surrounding terrain for structures such as Villages during world generation
- TNT no longer disappears when ignited with the 'TNT Explodes' game rule disabled and the 'Fire Spreads' game rule enabled
- Gravity affected blocks now fall on Top Snow when placed above it instead of hovering over it
Vanilla Parity
- Players flying in Creative mode are no longer pushed by liquid current
- Farmer Villagers can now use Bone Meal on crops and can turn excess Seeds into Bone Meal at their Composter
- Protection Enchantment now properly works on most damage types
- Fixed a desync issue that could sometimes cause health to regenerate only visually
- Landing on a Stalagmite is now properly considered fall damage
- Fixed some issues in where damage invulnerability wasn't properly being applied
- Fixed an issue where the Protection enchantments mitigated too much damage. This has been changed to match Java Edition
- Absorption Hearts no longer stay yellow while under the Wither effect
- Added armor toughness
- Diamond Armor and Netherite Armor now have a toughness value of 2 and 3 respectively
- Tweaked armor reduction calculation to account for toughness
- Netherite Armor will now reduce more damage than Diamond Armor
- Lowered the amount of knockback resistance granted by Netherite Armor
- Punching deals less damage now, to better match the Java Edition

- Fixed a bug in the Glow Squid's texture where the glow map in the alpha channel was incorrect, causing patches of non-glowing texture to be seen
- Fixed the crosshair disappearing when Outline Selection for blocks is disabled
- Players that are on fire now render fire in front of the player on the inventory screen regardless of in-game camera perspective
- Fixed a highlight effect on Leather Armor appearing on paperdolls
- Bucket of Tropical Fish no longer displays the incorrect name after catching a fish
- The skin equip warning prompt once again appears when equipping a skin from a product page
- The Ravager now targets and attacks the Wandering Trader
- Mobs spawned from a Dispenser are now persistent
- Shulkers no longer like to occupy the same block as another Shulker
- Shulkers now prioritize attaching to neighboring block faces before trying to teleport away
- Shulkers now stay attached to the current attached blockface if it is valid, instead of switching to upright position
User Interface
- Fixed text in certain languages not being correctly rendered in the new Create New World screen
- Cartographers now always unlock Woodland Explorer Map trade
- Correct error output is now displayed when attempting to use the /loot spawn command passing in the position of an unloaded area and there is 0 loot to drop
- Added '/loot ' command insert loot and insert kill overload
- Title commands fired before a client was done joining will now show instead of being ignored
GameTest Framework
- Removed property destroyedBlockPermutation from BlockExplodeEvent
- World additions for music management
- queueMusic(trackName : string, musicOptions : MusicOptions)
- playMusic(trackName : string, musicOptions : MusicOptions)
- stopMusic()
- Added MusicOptions JS class with volume, fadeSeconds and loop properties
- queueMusic(trackName : string, musicOptions : MusicOptions)
- Added event entityHurt(entityHurtEvent: EntityHurtEvent, options?: EntityEventOptions)- Fires when an entity takes damage
- Removed 'Minecraft' and 'GameTest' imports; please use 'mojang-minecraft' and 'mojang-gametest'
- Removed "preventsjumpingcomponent" from data-driven blocks
- Testing Render Dragon on all Android and iOS devices
JumpToBlock Behavior
- JumpToBlock behavior is now correctly affected by JumpBoost mob effect
Block Components
- Fixed a case where experimental BlockCollisionComponents did not allow partial specification
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