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18:53, 23 Oct 2024 17 141

The Minecraft Beta and Preview the update adds Resin and new blocks, a new flower - Eyeblossom. Various issues have been fixed and some changes have been made. Details below and on the developers website.


  • Resin Clumps are a new multi-face block:
    • Dropped by the Creaking Heart when it is destroyed.
    • Placed around the Creaking Heart when its Creaking is attacked.
    • Can be crafted into a Block of Resin.
    • Can be hardened into Resin Bricks in a furnace.
    • Can be used to trim armor.
  • Resin Bricks can be crafted into the Resin Brick set:
    • Brick block
    • Stairs
    • Walls
    • Slabs
    • Chiseled Resin Brick block
  • Both can be found in Chests in the Woodland Mansion.
  • Blocks of Resin can be crafted into a Creaking Heart using two Pale Oak Logs.

Resin blocks in Minecraft


Eyeblossoms are new flowers that generate in the Pale Garden biome. Unique features:

  • They exist in two variants: Closed and Open Eyeblossom.
  • Eyeblossoms transition between the two variants based on the time of day.
    • During the night, Eyeblossoms will become Open.
    • During the day, they will become Closed.
    • In dimensions that do not have a day/night cycle, they will remain as-is.
  • Eyeblossoms planted on the ground will communicate with each other, helping each other to open or close.
  • Open Eyeblossoms have glowing eyes during the night.
  • Eyeblossoms can be obtained by bonemealing the grass in the Pale Garden biome.
  • Bees get poisoned when they interact with Eyeblossoms.
  • Suspicious Stew made from Eyeblossom will have Blindness or Nausea effect depending on the variant.
  • Gray or Orange Dye can be crafted from Closed and Open Eyeblossoms respectively.

Eyeblossom flowers in Pale Garden


  • Added experimental toggle "Aim Assist" to allow easy targeting while using custom camera perspectives.
    • Aim Assist currently targets blocks. Entites will be enabled in a future release.
  • Aim Assist can be enabled through "/aimassist" command.
    • Aim Assist's targeting behavior (distance, width, and height) can be configured through the settings under "aim_assist" folder using a behavior pack.
    • Aim Assist will highlight the selected target. The highlighting textures are customizable through textures under "textures\ui" folder using a resource pack.

Experimental changes in Minecraft


  • Further adjusted the color of the Pale Garden sky at the horizon to more closely match Java.
  • The texure of the Pale Oak Sign model and UI has been adjusted for consistency with other signs.
  • Pale Oak Saplings can now be composted.
  • Pale Hanging Moss now uses the same sounds as other Moss and Pale Moss blocks.
  • Increased frequency of the Pale Hanging Moss ambience sound.
  • Pale Hanging Moss no longer generates on Pale Oak trees grown from Pale Oak Saplings.
  • Creaking Heart
    • Naturally generated Creaking Hearts now drop 20 to 24 experience, even when collected with Silk Touch.
    • Increased frequency of the Creaking Heart ambience sound.
    • The texture of the inactive Creaking Heart has been updated to be more consistent with its active state.
  • Creaking
    • Increased the speed of aggravated Creakings.
    • Creakings now deal more attack damage.
    • When a Creaking Heart is destroyed, its Creaking will now twitch for a few seconds before crumbling.
    • Creakings spawned by a Creaking Heart will crumble when stuck in a hole with a Player for more than 5 seconds.
    • A Creaking crumbling now causes nearby Sculk Catalysts to bloom.
    • The Creaking's walking animation has been updated.
    • The Creaking's attack animation has been updated.
    • A Creaking spawned by a Creaking Heart no longer avoids damaging blocks.
    • A Creaking spawned by command or Spawn Egg is no longer invulnerable to Fire and Lava.
    • A Creaking spawned by command or Spawn Egg now avoids damaging blocks.
    • The Creaking's attack speed has been decreased to match Java.
  • The following blocks now only drop when broken with a pickaxe:
    • Blast Furnace
    • Cauldron
    • Dispenser
    • Dropper
    • Enchanting Table
    • Furnace, Hopper
    • Smoke
  • The following blocks that require support now always drop when broken with any tool: all Copper Doors, Iron Door, Heavy Weighted Pressure Plate, Light Weighted Pressure Plate, Polished Blackstone Pressure Plate, and Stone Pressure Plate.
  • Budding Amethyst is now slower to mine with an improper tool.
  • The following blocks (which always drop) are now mined faster when using the incorrect tool: Bell, Brewing Stand, Crafter, Ender Chest, Lantern, and Soul Lantern. Note that the Ender Chest is considered an 'always drops block' even though the drop is not an Ender Chest.
  • Grass and Nylium no longer decay to Dirt and Netherrack when below Slime, Honey, Hopper, or Chemical Heat (Education Edition block).
  • Grass and Nylium now decay to Dirt and Netherrack when below Observer.
  • Pale Oak Saplings can now grow on Moss Blocks and Pale Moss Blocks.

Changes in Minecraft


  • Fixed an issue where the color of a Shulker Box was not listed as part of the name.
  • The camera now rotates the correct way around the X and Y axes when using the /camera command.
  • Using an empty Bundle now causes an animation to play in both first and third person.
  • Second passenger in a Boat or Camel will now also have the warning message when hitting unloaded chunk.
  • Player spawn algorithm has been improved so it is more difficult to spawn in water or powder snow.
  • Removed the unintended darker tinting of Kelp.
  • All projectiles on fire now ignite Minecart with TNT & TNT blocks.
  • The textures of the Pale Oak Sign and Pale Oak Hanging Sign items have been adjusted for consistency with other signs.
  • Breeze now plays the correct idle sound if not on a solid surface.
  • Removed Opt-out option from Realms Stories Settings, now that it is in the Timeline tab instead.
  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to create a new world on an active Realm.
  • Wet Sponges now play correct block sounds.
  • Changed contents of chest in end_2 to reference a loot table.
  • The size of Shield items no longer changes when the item is moved between slots.
  • Bundles that are moved under a player's cursor now correctly update their tooltip.
  • It is now possible to collect crafting output with a bundle to add the crafted items to the bundle.
  • Touch Controls: Fixed a bug where boats were interactable during control customization.
  • Touch controls: in joystick modes, it is now possible to double tap "fly up" to stop flying.
  • Touch controls: tapping fly up and fly down in quick succession no longer causes the player to stop flying.
  • Tools in the hotbar no longer animate when their durability decrease.
  • Remove 'X' closing button from the Command Block UI when player is using Gamepad.
  • Fixed an issue that caused IP addresses with bad input to not be properly validated before joining an external server in the New Servers Tab (Preview only).
  • A popup now appears showing the item's name when it is selected in a Bundle's tooltip on touch screen devices.

Fixes in Minecraft

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  1. Аватарка гостя
    Гудок цыклопа
    0:35 30 Oct 24
    Почему я не могу скачать майнкрафт? Кратко говоря, я нажимаю на "установить" а меня проверяют на робота. Нахуя вам остерегаться роботов? Вообще дело не в это, а в оом что я жду пару секунд пока сайт проверит что я типо не робот, но эта загрузка длится вечность. Охотники на роботов вот досада, настолько что заставляют написать код чтобы доказать что ты цивилизованный примат, а не робот.
    1. Аватарка гостя
      15:09 8 Nov 24
      🤬Ну потому что с тех пор как он (Какой-то Чел) докозал что вы идеоту по этому вас проверяют на то насколько вы цивилизованный примат ещё!
      🤯То что многие тупые вместо того чтоб в модах скачать текстуры и мод они скачивают лишь одно, а в модах с файлам "mcaddon" И "zip" То эти приматы скачивают оба файла до ни-ху-я не доходит ну и пришлось это и сделать
  2. Аватарка гостя
    19:23 27 Oct 24
    Карочь скоро они добавят оборотней а так же вампиров по моему всё к етому и ведёт
  3. Аватарка гостя
    10:41 27 Oct 24
    Крч не знаю с чем это связано,но в каждой такой версии ( не запускается игра только чёрный (как создатели) экран
  4. Аватарка гостя
    19:24 26 Oct 24
    И сус😰😰😰🤸😰✂️✖️
  5. Аватарка гостя
    15:12 26 Oct 24
  6. Аватарка гостя
    13:03 24 Oct 24
    Да да мемы даже существуют здесь._.
  7. Аватарка гостя
    19:57 23 Oct 24
    Криво залили/ скопировали. ! Поправьте
  8. Аватарка гостя
    19:34 23 Oct 24
    Ну, слушайте, дроп реально имбовый, а вот эта смола вообще на апельсины похожа
  9. Аватарка гостя
    19:31 23 Oct 24
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